Class PanManipulatorComponentMetadata

Defines properties and message types for PanManipulatorComponent.

Inherits properties and message types from NodeComponentMetadata.

Property Types

See also PropertyType

Sets the threshold in pixels on the horizontal and vertical axis that the finger must move before Kanzi recognizes it as a pan gesture. The default value is 5 pixels on both axes. To disable the pan gesture along either axis, set the threshold on that axis to -1.


Sets the minimum number of touches required on the node area for the installed pan manipulator to recognize the pan gesture and to set off the Pan Started trigger. The default value is 1.


Sets the maximum number of touches allowed on the node area for the installed pan manipulator to recognize the pan gesture and to set off the Pan Started trigger. The default value is 10. The value cannot be lower than the value of the Minimum Touch Points property.


Routing mode determines when the input manipulator recognizes input events:

  • Bubbling sets the installed manipulator to recognize input events that are traversing from the hit test node or the focus node to the root node.
  • Tunneling sets the installed manipulator to recognize input events that are traversing from the root node to the hit test node or to the focus node.

Message Types

See also MessageType

Message Arguments

Message arguments classes define message arguments used for different message types. Each class defines a number of property types - arguments - together with getter and setter functions for them.