Class PropertyTargetEasingInterpolatorMetadata

Defines properties and message types for PropertyTargetEasingInterpolator.

Inherits properties and message types from NodeComponentMetadata.

Property Types

See also PropertyType

Sets whether the Property Target Easing Interpolator interpolates the value of the Interpolated Property Type.


The property type you want to interpolate from its previous value to a new value using this Property Target Easing Interpolator.


The property field of the Interpolated Property Type you want to interpolate from its previous value to a new value using this Property Target Easing Interpolator.


Sets the duration of the interpolation in milliseconds.


Sets the easing function that defines the curve of the interpolation.


Sets how to apply the easing function to the interpolation.


Sets what happens if a new value is set to the interpolated property before interpolation to its previous value completes:

  • Start from current interpolated value uses the current value of the ongoing interpolation as the start value of the new interpolation.
  • Start from current target value uses the target value of the ongoing interpolation as the start value of the new interpolation.

Sets whether the Property Target Easing Interpolator dispatches a Completed message every time it completes interpolation.

Message Types

See also MessageType

Enables or disables the interpolation performed by Property Target Easing Interpolator.

Arguments: PropertyTargetEasingInterpolatorMetadata.SetEnabledMessageArguments


Occurs when Property Target Easing Interpolator completes its interpolation.

Arguments: NodeComponentMetadata.NodeComponentSourceMessageArguments

Message Arguments

Message arguments classes define message arguments used for different message types. Each class defines a number of property types - arguments - together with getter and setter functions for them.



Sets whether the Property Target Easing Interpolator attached to the Target Item interpolates the value of the Interpolated Property Type.

local value = arguments:getEnabledProperty()