Class Viewport2DMetadata

Defines properties and message types for Viewport2D.

Inherits properties and message types from Node2DMetadata.

Property Types

See also PropertyType

Sets which camera to use in scenes rendered by the selected Viewport 2D. If not set, Kanzi uses the camera in the scene.


Sets which hit test camera to use in scenes rendered by the selected Viewport 2D. If not set, Kanzi uses the camera in the scene.


The RenderPass used for rendering the Scene for the Viewport. Instantiated from the RenderPassPrefab. Set internally by Kanzi whenever RenderPassPrefabProperty changes.


Sets which render pass prefab will be used to instantiate the render pass tree.

Message Types

See also MessageType

Message Arguments

Message arguments classes define message arguments used for different message types. Each class defines a number of property types - arguments - together with getter and setter functions for them.