Class NinePatchImage2DMetadata

Defines properties and message types for NinePatchImage2D.

Inherits properties and message types from Node2DMetadata.

Property Types

See also PropertyType

Sets how to display the top image:

  • Stretch: Scales the image to fill the space between the top-left and top-right images.
  • Wrap: When the width of the space between the top-left and top-right images exceeds the width of the image, either extends the last column of pixels in the image or tiles the image. Depends on the value of the Wrap Mode property of the texture.

Sets how to display the bottom image:

  • Stretch: Scales the image to fill the space between the bottom-left and bottom-right images.
  • Wrap: When the width of the space between the bottom-left and bottom-right images exceeds the width of the image, either extends the last column of pixels in the image or tiles the image. Depends on the value of the Wrap Mode property of the texture.

Sets how to display the left image:

  • Stretch: Scales the image to fill the space between the top-left and bottom-left images.
  • Wrap: When the height of the space between the top-left and bottom-left images exceeds the height of the image, either extends the last row of pixels in the image or tiles the image. Depends on the value of the Wrap Mode property of the texture.

Sets how to display the right image:

  • Stretch: Scales the image to fill the space between the top-right and bottom-right images.
  • Wrap: When the height of the space between the top-right and bottom-right images exceeds the height of the image, either extends the last row of pixels in the image or tiles the image. Depends on the value of the Wrap Mode property of the texture.

Sets how to display the center image:

  • Stretch: Scales the image to fill the width and height of the center of the nine patch image.
  • Wrap: When the height and width of the center exceed the size of the image, either extends the last row or column of pixels in the image or tiles the image. Depends on the value of the Wrap Mode property of the texture.

The image to use in the top-left corner.


The image to use in the middle of the top row.


The image to use in the top-right corner.


The image to use in the center-left.


The image to use in the center.


The image to use in the center-right.


Image to use in the bottom-left corner.


The image to use in middle of the bottom row.


The image to use in the bottom-right corner.

Message Types

See also MessageType

Message Arguments

Message arguments classes define message arguments used for different message types. Each class defines a number of property types - arguments - together with getter and setter functions for them.