Kanzi 3.6.10 release notes

Feature improvements

  • In a Composition Target Render Pass:

    • Added these graphics formats that you can set in the Pixel Format property:

      • R8_SNORM

      • R8G8_SNORM

      • R8G8B8_SNORM

      • R8G8B8A8_SNORM

      • R16_SNORM

      • R16_UNORM

      • R16B16_SNORM

      • R16B16_UNORM

      • R16B16G16_SNORM

      • R16B16G16_UNORM

      • R16B16G16A16_SNORM

      • R16B16G16A16_UNORM

      • R32_SINT

      • R32_UINT

      • R32_SFLOAT

      • R32G32_SINT

      • R32G32_UINT

      • R32G32_SFLOAT

      • R32G32B32_SINT

      • R32G32B32_UINT

      • R32G32B32_SFLOAT

      • R32G32B32A32_SINT

      • R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT

      • R32G32B32A32_UINT

    • Added to Kanzi Studio the Depth Compare Function to enable you to set the comparison function that you want to use with comparison samples.

  • Improved application start-up times by removing redundant updates in the Path property of instantiated start up prefabs.

  • Improved the layout performance of Text Block nodes by removing redundant layout recalculations.

  • Added to the TaskDispatcher the ability to check application state. See TaskDispatcherBase::isQuitting and TaskDispatcherBase::setQuitting. This allows you to quit recurring tasks when the application is quitting.

  • Added a name argument to the messages sent by the animation player node components (AnimationPlayer and PropertyTargetInterpolator). This allows you to identify which animation player sent a message.

  • Kanzi now clears the TaskDispatcher queue before GL deinit. This means that you do not need to check for GL validity before you run a GL-dependent operation inside a task.

  • Updated integrity_rcar_fb_api:

    • Build configuration now uses the latest toolchain and rebuilt Kanzi Engine third-party libraries with the updated toolchain.

    • Now uses the integrity-arm-x2365 Boost library instead of integrity-arm-comp2013.

    • Removed the BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY configuration.

  • To improve efficiency, the change in values of these Brush properties no longer triggers the Node2D::arrange and Node2D::measure:

    • Brush Modulate Color property (Brush.ModulateColor)

    • Brush Horizontal Tiling property (Brush.HorizontalTiling)

    • Brush Vertical Tiling property (Brush.VerticalTiling)

    • In a Color Brush the Brush Color property (ColorBrush.Color)

    • In a Texture Brush the Brush Texture property (TextureBrush.RenderTexture)

  • Added KANZI_API macros to functions in KzcDynamicArray and KzcHashMap.

  • In the Preview improved the image quality when viewing the content at lower magnification values.


  • Changed the version of the kzb file format from 3.2 to 3.3.

  • Updated the libjpeg library to version 9d.







Fixed the issue related to checks for non-printing characters in text shaping libraries to improve the size of the Kanzi runtime library.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that caused some applications to terminate on integrity_rcar_fb_api during OpenGL initialization.

Kanzi Engine


When a Model3D mesh changes, you no longer have to call Node::invalidateDraw to update that mesh.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that caused slowness when adding and removing nodes.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that caused incorrect rendering when a Text Block 2D node is partially transparent and has a child node.

Kanzi Engine


Instead of building all, kzb_player now builds only the architectures that you pass on the CLI.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that caused Kanzi to set on initialization the error material to every mesh, even if the materials set to meshes are working correctly.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that caused a crash when an application repeatedly reloaded and rendered a prefab with a mesh.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the kzcMatrix4x4Determinant function to use the correct matrix indices.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that caused a crash when creating a timeline playback in the context of an already existing timeline playback.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that caused an exception when overriding a class that is based on the NodeComponent class, such as TimerTrigger.

Kanzi Engine


When the value of the Grid List Box node Cell Width property changes, Kanzi now runs the Node2D::measure to recalculate the layout.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed a clang static analysis warning in kzs_string.

Kanzi Engine


When you merge a project, Kanzi Studio now takes the changes related to shader code directly from the merged items.

Kanzi Studio


Fixed the issue that caused Kanzi Studio to incorrectly export in a State Manager the value for the Blend Mode property when set to Alpha: Automatic.

Kanzi Studio


Fixed the issue that caused Kanzi Studio to skin the neutral pose mesh into a posed armature when importing a skinned and bone animated mesh.

Kanzi Studio


Fixed the issue that prevented Kanzi Studio from setting images for a cubemap texture when you merged a cubemap texture.

Kanzi Studio


Fixed the issue that caused the Preview to reset the Node tool transformation to Layout Transformation.

Kanzi Studio


Fixed the issue that prevented the correct undoing of moving a guide in the Preview.

Kanzi Studio

11374, 11303, 11222, 11219, 38

Improved stability of Kanzi Studio.

Kanzi Studio

See also

Known issues