What is installed with Kanzi?

Kanzi by default creates:

  • Kanzi Studio installation directory at C:\Program Files\Rightware\Kanzi <KanziVersion> which contains:

    • Kanzi Studio is installed to C:\Program Files\Rightware\Kanzi <KanziVersion>\Studio. The directory contains:

      • Asset Library directory contains assets that come with Kanzi, including asset packages, fonts, and materials.

      • Bin directory contains Kanzi Studio executable and its dependencies, including:

        • Kanzi Command Prompt launches a Windows command prompt with Kanzi environment variables set. With the Kanzi Command Prompt you can build Kanzi projects, and access build tools and Kanzi utilities without writing absolute paths. You can find the Kanzi Command Prompt in the Windows Start Menu in the Rightware directory.

        • PluginInterface.dll enables you to extend the functionality of Kanzi Studio. See Kanzi Studio plugins.

    • kanzi-one-software-license-terms.txt contains the Kanzi One license terms.

    • third-party-lib-licenses-kanzi-documentation.txt contains the license information for the third-party libraries used by the Kanzi documentation and tutorials.

    • third-party-lib-licenses-kanzi-runtime.txt contains the license information for the third-party libraries used in Kanzi Engine.

    • third-party-lib-licenses-kanzi-sdk.txt contains the license information for the third-party libraries used in the Kanzi SDK.

    • third-party-lib-licenses-kanzi-studio.txt contains the license information for the third-party libraries used in Kanzi Studio.

  • Kanzi workspace directory at C:\KanziWorkspace_<KanziVersion> which contains:

    • Assets directory contains the RuntimeAssets and kzuiassets Kanzi Studio projects which you can use to replace Kanzi shaders with binary shaders. See Overriding Kanzi shaders with binary shaders.

    • Engine directory contains Kanzi Engine and the Kanzi Engine binaries:

      • applications directory contains the source code for the kzb Player.

      • cmake directory contains CMake configuration files for building projects with Kanzi Engine.

      • configs directory contains configuration files for building projects with Kanzi Engine.

      • include directory contains the Kanzi Engine h and hpp header files.

      • lib directory contains Kanzi Engine binary libraries for each platform and CMake configuration files for building projects with Kanzi Engine.

      • libraries directory contains third-party libraries required by Kanzi Engine.

      • scripts directory contains the scripts for building your Kanzi application for different platforms.

    • Examples directory contains Kanzi example projects that show how some Kanzi features work. See Examples.

    • Projects directory is the default location where Kanzi Studio creates projects. See Creating a project.

    • Templates directory contains templates you can use as a starting point for programming Kanzi applications. See Creating a project.

    • Tutorials directory contains the projects and assets for the Kanzi tutorials. See Tutorials.

  • In the Windows directory for application data that is shared between users Kanzi creates directory %ProgramData%\Rightware\Kanzi.

  • Paths to build tools in %ProgramData%\Rightware\<KanziVersion>\kanzi_environment_variables.bat. Kanzi uses these tools to build applications. See Setting up the Android build environment.

  • Registry entries that associate kzproj files with Kanzi Studio.

  • When you start Kanzi Studio for the first time Kanzi Studio creates %AppData%\Rightware\<KanziVersion>\userPreferences.xml that contains the Kanzi Studio preferences.

  • Kanzi Studio stores log messages in the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\KanziStudioLogs directory in these files:

    • KanziStudio.log contains messages from Kanzi Studio.

    • KanziPreview.log contains messages from the Kanzi Studio Preview. See The Preview log file.

    • KanziThumbnails.log contains messages from the process that draws the thumbnails in Kanzi Studio.

    • KanziStudio_crash<n>.log contains termination log messages, when Kanzi Studio terminates unexpectedly.