Creating transparent materials

To create a transparent material:

  1. Create or select a material and assign it to a node. See Using materials.

  2. In the Library > Materials and Textures > Materials select the material and in the Properties set:

    • Blend Mode to one of these values:

      • Alpha: Automatic

        This sets the blend mode to either:

        • Alpha: Premultiplied when the Premultiply Alpha property for the project or an image is enabled. This is the default value.

        • Alpha: Mixed when the Premultiply Alpha property for the project or an image is disabled.

        See Alpha premultiplication.

      • Alpha: Premultiplied

        This is the default and recommended mode for alpha blending.

        The Alpha: Premultiplied mode expects premultiplied alpha RGBA in the source fragment, and blends the source fragment with the destination framebuffer.

      • Alpha: Mixed

        This mode expects non-premultiplied alpha RGBA in the source fragment, and blends the source fragment with the destination framebuffer.

        For example, use the Alpha: Mixed mode when you dynamically load without preprocessing a texture that uses a fragment shader which does not perform alpha-premultiplication of the RGB color.

      • Additive

        This mode adds the source fragment to the destination framebuffer.

        Use the Additive mode for effects where you want a layer to add RGB color, but not reduce the RGB color of the underlying layer.

        See Blend modes.

    • Blend Intensity to the amount of transparency for your material, where 0 is completely transparent and 1 opaque.

    ../../_images/mymaterial-in-library.png ../../_images/transparent-material.png