Using the Factory Content assets

You can add assets from the Factory Content asset source to your Kanzi application in Kanzi Studio. For a list of the Factory Content, see Factory Content assets.

Using Factory Content in your project

To use Factory Content in your project:

  1. In the Asset Packages window select the Factory Content asset source.

    The Factory Content asset packages contain ready-made components and materials that you can use to create prototype projects faster.

  2. From the Asset Packages drag the item that you want to use in your project to a node in the Node Tree, to the Prefabs, to the Preview, or to a Page node in the Pages window.

    For example, drag the Car to the Preview. When you drag an item from the Asset Packages to the Preview or a node in the Node Tree or Pages, Kanzi Studio instantiates that item as a prefab, and adds it to the Prefabs.

    ../../_images/select-car-asset1.png ../../_images/car-asset.png ../../_images/car-prefab-in-project1.png

Using Factory Content materials in your project

To use Factory Content materials in your project:

  1. In the Asset Packages window select the Factory Content asset source.

    The Factory Content asset packages contain ready-made components and materials that you can use to create prototype projects faster.

  2. From the Asset Packages drag the material that you want to use in your project to a node in the Preview, or a node in the Node Tree.

    For example, to use a material for a car body, drag that material to either:

    • Preview and drop it on the car body.

    • Node Tree and drop it on the Model node that shows the mesh for the car body.

    ../../_images/drag-carbon-fiber-material.png ../../_images/carbon-fiber-car.png

    When you use a Factory Content material in your project, Kanzi Studio adds that material to the Library > Materials and Textures > Materials, and the shaders used by the material to the Library > Resource Files > Shaders.

    ../../_images/carbon-fiber-material-in-library.png ../../_images/carbon-fiber-shaders.png

    To use a material that uses normal map textures, the 3D model where you want to use such material must have tangents. These Factory Content materials use normal map textures:

    • Aluminium Material

    • Carbon Fiber Material

    • Leather Material

    • Rubber Material

    To use a material with a normal map texture on a primitive mesh, in the Node Tree select the primitive mesh and in the Properties enable the Generate Tangents property.
