Factory Content assets

The Factory Content asset packages contain ready-made components and materials that you can use to create prototype projects faster.

Here you can find all the Factory Content assets:

  • 2D interactivity control components that you can use to make your application interactive. See Interactivity control components.

  • Progress components that you can use to indicate that a task is in progress. See Progress components.

  • List components that you can use to present collections of items arranged in scrollable lists. See List components.

  • Complete user interface components that you can use to add functionality to your application. See Complete user interface components.

  • Materials that you can apply to 3D content in your project. See Materials.

To use the Factory Content assets in your Kanzi Studio project, from the Asset Packages drag an asset to a node in the Node Tree, to the Prefabs, to the Preview, or to a Page node in the Pages window. See Using the Factory Content assets.


Interactivity control components

Use 2D interactivity control components to make your application interactive.


Use the Button to create a button that receives user input.


To adjust the appearance and behavior of the Button, after you add the Button to your project, in the Properties set:

  • Label to set the text in the button.

  • Main Color to set the color of the button background.

  • Highlight Color to set the color of the button background when the user presses the button.

  • Border Color to set the color of the button border that is visible when the user presses the button.

  • Border Thickness to set the width of the button border that is visible when the user presses the button.

  • Rounding Radius to set the roundness of the button corners.

    For example, to make the button corners right-angle, set Rounding Radius to 0.


In the Node Components use triggers and actions to set how the button reacts to user input. See Using the Button nodes and Using triggers.

The Button uses a state manager that sets the appearance and behavior of the Button when:

  • The user presses the button.

  • The value of the Enabled property changes.

    When you disable the Enabled property in the Button node, the button does not react to user input.



Use the Checkbox to create a checkbox that receives user input.


The Checkbox uses a state manager that sets the appearance and behavior of the Checkbox when:

  • The user toggles the checkbox.

  • The value of the Enabled property changes.

    When you disable the Enabled property in the Checkbox node, the checkbox does not react to user input.


Radio Buttons

Use the Radio Buttons to create radio buttons that receive user input.


In the Node Components use triggers and actions to set how radio buttons react to user input. See Using the Button nodes and Using triggers.


Use the Slider to create a slider that receives user input.


To adjust the appearance and behavior of the Slider, after you add the Slider to your project, in the Properties set:

  • Minimum Value and Maximum Value to set the range of values for the slider. The default range is from 0 to 100.

  • Step Value to define the increment by which the knob moves on the rail. The default increment is 1.

  • Value to set the current position of the knob on the slider rail. You can use bindings to control another property with the position of the slider. See Using the Slider nodes and Using bindings.

  • Default Color to set the color of the slider rail from the slider knob until the end of the rail.

  • Fill Color to set the color of the slider rail from the start of the rail until the slider knob.

  • Knob Color to set the color of the slider knob.

../../_images/slider-range-properties.png ../../_images/slider-properties.png

The Slider uses a state manager that sets the appearance and behavior of the slider when the value of the Enabled property changes. When you disable the Enabled property in the Slider node, the slider does not react to user input.


Toggle Button

Use the Toggle Button to create a toggle button that receives user input.


The Toggle Button uses a state manager that sets the appearance of the Toggle Button when the user toggles it.

In the Node Components use triggers and actions to set how the toggle button reacts to user input. See Using the Toggle Button nodes and Using triggers.

Progress components

Use the progress components to show that a task is in progress.

Processing Indicator

Use the Processing Indicator to show that the application is processing a task.


To adjust the appearance of the Processing Indicator, after you add the Processing Indicator to your project, in the Properties set:

  • Color to set the color of the processing indicator.

  • Masked to set whether to mask the processing indicator with the texture that you set using the Masking Texture property.

  • Masking Texture to a texture to use to mask the processing indicator.

    In the masking texture:

    • Black pixels form the mask that hides areas of the processing indicator.

    • White pixels form the gaps in the mask that show areas of the processing indicator.

    By default the Processing Indicator is masked by a texture that shows a ring of circles.

  • Offset to set the rotation angle of the processing indicator.

  • Step Count to set the number of segments in the processing indicator.


Progress Bar

Use the Progress Bar to show that a task is in progress, expressed both visually and as a percentage.


To set the value of the Progress Bar, in the Properties set the value of the Progress property. You can use bindings to control the Progress property. See Using bindings.

To set the length of the gradient in the end of the progress bar, in the Properties set the value of the Smoothing property.


Progress Indicator

Use the Progress Indicator to show that a task is in progress, expressed both visually and as a percentage.


To set the value of the Progress Indicator, in the Properties set the value of the Progress property. You can use bindings to control the Progress property. See Using bindings.

To adjust the appearance of the Progress Indicator, after you add the Progress Indicator to your project, in the Properties set:

  • Brush Color to set the color of the progress indicator ring.

  • Progress Smoothness to set the length of the gradient in the end of the progress indicator.

  • Ring Smoothness to set the edge smoothness of the progress indicator ring.

  • Ring Thickness to set the width of the progress indicator ring.

../../_images/progress-indicator-brush-color.png ../../_images/progress-indicator-properties.png

List components

Use the list components to present collections of items arranged in scrollable lists.

Each list component uses a List Box node to arrange its items. See List Box nodes.

Use a data source to display your own data in a list component. See Using a data source, and Tutorial: Get application data from a data source.

Contact List

Use the Contact List to create a contact list that shows the name, profile picture, and phone number for each contact.


To set the content and behavior of the Contact List, in the Properties add and set:

  • Items Source to provide a data source for the list items.

  • Selection Behavior to set whether the list box brings an item to the center of the list box area when the user selects that item.

../../_images/items-source-property.png ../../_images/selection-behavior-property.png

Cover Flow

Use the Cover Flow to present album covers.


To set the content and behavior of the Cover Flow, in the Node Tree or Prefabs select the Cover Flow > Scene> Trajectory List Box 3D node and in the Properties add and set:

  • Items Source to provide a data source for the list items.

  • Selection Behavior to set whether the list box brings an item to the center of the list box area when the user selects that item.

../../_images/items-source-property.png ../../_images/selection-behavior-property.png

Poster Flow

Use the Poster Flow to present media posters.


To adjust the roundness of poster corners, in the Prefabs select the Poster prefab and in the Properties set the Rounding Radius property.


To set the content and behavior of the Poster Flow, in the Node Tree or Prefabs select the Poster Flow > Scene> Trajectory List Box 3D node and in the Properties add and set:

  • Items Source to provide a data source for the list items.

  • Selection Behavior to set whether the list box brings an item to the center of the list box area when the user selects that item.

../../_images/items-source-property.png ../../_images/selection-behavior-property.png

Complete user interface components

Factory Content includes complete user interface components that you can use to add functionality to your application.


Use the Car to add a car model.


To position the car, in the Preview use either the Node tool or the Camera tool. See Editing your application in the Preview and Using the Camera node.

To set the material for the different parts of the car, you can drag materials from the Assets window to the Car in the Preview window. See Using the Factory Content assets.

Music Player

Use the Music Player to create a music player with buttons that receive user input.


In the Node Components use triggers and actions to set how the Music Player buttons react to user input. See Using triggers.

Notification Popup

Use the Notification Popup to create a notification dialog with buttons that receive user input.


In the Node Components use triggers and actions to set how the Notification Popup buttons react to user input. See Using triggers.

Traditional Gauges

Use the Traditional Gauges to create a car cluster with speed, RPM, fuel, and temperature gauges.


To control the visibility of the speed and RPM gauges, in the Properties add and set the Gauge State property.

To move the indicators, in the Properties add and set:

  • Fuel to move the fuel indicator.

  • RPM to move the RPM indicator.

  • Speed to move the speed indicator.

  • Temperature to move the temperature indicator.



Factory Content includes materials that you can apply to 3D content in your project.


Aluminium Material

Uses normal map textures.


Car Paint Material


Carbon Fiber Material

Uses normal map textures.


Chrome Material


Glass Material


Leather Material

Uses normal map textures.


Mask Texture Material


Rubber Material

Uses normal map textures.

To learn about using Factory Content materials in your Kanzi application, see Using Factory Content materials in your project.