Tutorial: Getting started with Kanzi Android framework (droidfw)

In this tutorial you learn how to start developing Android applications using Kanzi Android framework (droidfw). You learn how to:

  • Show a Kanzi prefab in an Android view

  • Access and modify application using Kanzi Java API

  • Create an Android activity and show Kanzi content in that activity

This video shows the result of the tutorial.


This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with developing Android applications, Java programming language, and that you understand the basics of working with Kanzi Studio. The best entry point for getting familiar with Kanzi Studio is the Tutorial: Getting started with Kanzi Studio.

Before you start this tutorial, make sure that you have your Kanzi development environment for Android set up. See Requirements for Android application development with Kanzi.

The assets in this tutorial require OpenGL ES 3.0. To learn how to enable OpenGL ES 3.0 in the Android Emulator, see Enabling OpenGL ES 3.0 in the Android Emulator.

Assets for the tutorial

You can find the completed application of this tutorial in the <KanziWorkspace>/Tutorials/Android Getting Started/Completed directory.

Show a Kanzi prefab in an Android view

In this section you create an application in Kanzi Studio, create content in Kanzi Studio, and show that content in an Android view.

To show a Kanzi prefab in an Android view:

  1. In Kanzi Studio create a project and in the New Project window set:

    • Name to AndroidGettingStarted

    • Template to Android application

      Android application template creates a Kanzi Studio project with a Kanzi Android framework-based application.

      Use the Kanzi Android framework (droidfw) when you want to create an application for the Android platform, and you intend to use Android APIs and services extensively.

      Kanzi Android framework (droidfw) is a framework dedicated for developing Kanzi applications for Android. It exposes the Kanzi Java API, which allows you to write application and plugin code entirely in Java or Kotlin. You do not need to write any C++ or JNI code, but you can still use native Kanzi plugins. Kanzi Android framework (droidfw) provides strong integration with the Android UI, including support for multiple simultaneous Kanzi-based Views and flexible composition of Kanzi and Android UI elements. Kanzi Android framework (droidfw) integrates with the Android Choreographer which runs the Kanzi main loop tasks in the Android UI thread. This enables you to use the Kanzi Java API from your application code without the need for dispatcher mechanisms.

  2. Create content that you want to show in a Kanzi view of the Android application.

    For example, in Kanzi Studio from the Asset Packages drag the Cover Flow to the Preview.

    Kanzi Studio creates a prefab and instantiates it in the Node Tree in the Screen > RootPage node.

    ../../_images/asset-packages-cover-flow.png ../../_images/prefabs-cover-flow.png ../../_images/node-tree-cover-flow.png
  3. In Kanzi Studio, select File > Export > Export KZB.

  4. In Android Studio open the AndroidGettingStarted/Application/configs/platforms/android_gradle project, start a virtual Android device or connect your Android device to your computer, and run the application.

    ../../_images/android-studio-open-android-gradle1.png ../../_images/prefab-in-view.gif

In the app > res > layout > activity_main.xml the StartupPrefab in the startupPrefabUrl attribute refers to the nodes in the Node Tree.


To copy the URL of the startup prefab to your clipboard, in the Kanzi Studio main menu, select Project > Copy Startup Prefab URL.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

        app:startupPrefabUrl="kzb://androidgettingstarted/StartupPrefab" />

Modify content using the Kanzi Java API

In this section you use the Kanzi Java API to modify Kanzi content in the Android application.

You can use Kanzi from multiple views within multiple activities or fragments of an Android application. When you use Kanzi in such way, the Android application uses the same Kanzi instance and resources.

To modify content using the Kanzi Java API:

  1. In Android Studio in the app > res > layout > activity_main.xml:

    1. Create another KanziSurfaceView.

    2. Use a unique name for the view.

      For example, set android:id to @+id/textblock.

    3. Set the views so that they take equal amount of screen space.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
            app:startupPrefabUrl="kzb://androidgettingstarted/StartupPrefab" />
            app:name="AndroidGettingStarted" />
  2. In the app > java > com.example.androidgettingstarted > MainActivity.java create Kanzi content that you want to show in the application.

    For example, create a Text Block 2D node that shows Hello Kanzi!.

    1. Import the Kanzi classes that provide the functionality for the content that you want create.

      import com.rightware.kanzi.Node;
      import com.rightware.kanzi.ObjectRef;
      import com.rightware.kanzi.TextBlock2D;
    2. Get a reference to your view.


      KanziView view = findViewById(R.id.androidgettingstartedview);


      KanziView view = findViewById(R.id.textblock);
    3. In the KanziViewListener.onAttachedToWindow callback create a Text Block 2D node that shows Hello Kanzi!:

      public void onAttachedToWindow(View view, Domain domain) {
          // Create a Text Block 2D node named "Text Block 2D".
          ObjectRef<TextBlock2D> textBlockRef = TextBlock2D.create(domain, "Text Block 2D");
          TextBlock2D textBlock = textBlockRef.get();
          // Set the Text Block 2D node as the root of the Kanzi view.
          ((KanziView) view).setRoot(textBlock);
          // Position the Text Block 2D node in the center of the Kanzi view.
          textBlock.setProperty(Node.HorizontalAlignmentProperty, Node.HorizontalAlignment.Center);
          textBlock.setProperty(Node.VerticalAlignmentProperty, Node.VerticalAlignment.Center);
          // Set the size of the font of the Text Block 2D node.
          textBlock.setProperty(TextBlock2D.SizeProperty, 90.0f);
          // Set the text that the Text Block 2D node shows.
          textBlock.setText("Hello Kanzi!");

      By default, Kanzi initializes the KanziRuntime and Domain only when a Kanzi view is attached. This enables you to use the Kanzi Java API in the KanziViewListener.onAttachedToWindow or later. Alternatively, to get access to the Kanzi Java API immediately, set an application to acquire its own reference to KanziRuntime.

When you run the application from Android Studio, you can see both Kanzi views, each taking half of the device screen.


Create another Android activity

In this section you create another Android activity and a control to go to that activity.

To create another Android activity:

  1. In Kanzi Studio create a prefab that contains the content that you want to show in another Android activity:

    1. In Kanzi Studio from the Asset Packages drag the Car to the Prefabs.

    2. In the Prefabs select the Car prefab, in the Properties add the Background Brush property, and set it to the DefaultBackground Texture Brush.

  2. In Android Studio create an Android activity:

    1. Right-click app > java > com.example.androidgettingstarted and select New > Activity > Empty Activity.

    2. Name the activity SecondActivity and click Finish.

  3. In app > res > layout > activity_second.xml add a Kanzi view to the constraint layout

        app:startupPrefabUrl="kzb://androidgettingstarted/Prefabs/Car" />

    Make sure that the kzb URL in startupPrefabUrl points to the prefab that you want to show in this activity.

  4. Create the control to transition to the activity:

    1. In Kanzi Studio from the Asset Packages drag the Button to the RootPage.

      ../../_images/asset-packages-button.png ../../_images/node-tree-button.png
    2. In the Node Tree press Alt and right-click the Button and select Alias.

      ../../_images/node-tree-button-alias.png ../../_images/dictionaries-button-alias.png
    3. In Kanzi Studio, select File > Export > Export KZB.

    4. In Android Studio in app > java > com.example.androidgettingstarted > MainActivity.java:

      • Import these classes:

        import com.rightware.kanzi.Node2D;
        import com.rightware.kanzi.Button2D;
        import android.content.Intent;
      • In the end inside the onCreate function add:

        // Get a reference to the androidgettingstartedview view.
        KanziView view2 = findViewById(R.id.androidgettingstartedview);
        view2.addListener(new KanziViewListener() {
            public void onAttachedToWindow(View view, Domain domain) {
            public void onStartupPrefabLoaded(View view, Domain domain) {
                // Get the RootPage root node.
                Node2D root = ((KanziView) view).getRoot();
                // Get and set up the button to transition to the SecondActivity.
                Button2D button = root.lookupNode("#Button");
                // Position the Button node in the bottom of the Kanzi view.
                button.setProperty(Node.VerticalAlignmentProperty, Node.VerticalAlignment.Bottom);
                // Set the Button node to go to the second activity when user clicks the button.
                button.addMessageFilter(Button2D.ClickMessage, messageArguments -> {
                    Intent intent = new Intent(((View) view).getContext(), SecondActivity.class);

      Kanzi loads the startup prefab of views asynchronously, and invokes the callback KanziViewListener.onStartupPrefabLoaded when it is done loading and instantiating the prefab. If you intend to modify the start prefab, do so in this callback.

When you run the application from Android Studio, to transition to the second activity, click the button.


What’s next?

In this tutorial you learned how use the Kanzi Android framework (droidfw) to:

  • Access and modify nodes using Kanzi Java API

  • Create a Kanzi view in Android and show Kanzi content in that view

  • Create an Android activity and show Kanzi content in that activity

To learn more about how to use Kanzi Android framework (droidfw) and Java API see:

See also

To learn more about developing Kanzi applications for Android, see Developing Kanzi applications for Android.

To learn more about using Java Kanzi Engine API, see Using Java and Kotlin.