Application configuration reference

You can configure your Kanzi application:

  • In the C++ application override the Application::onConfigure function of your application class. Kanzi calls this function as part of application initialization before it reads the application.cfg and before it initializes the graphics subsystem. Use this function to configure application properties.

  • In application.cfg by setting the parameters for Kanzi Studio projects without recompiling your application or even without a C++ application.

The configuration you specify in application.cfg overrides the configuration you specify in Application::onConfigure.

Setting which application.cfg to use

When you have more than one Kanzi application executable file in a directory, you can set a separate configuration file for each executable.

To set which application.cfg to use when running your Kanzi application from the command line, enter the name of the application executable file followed by the -config option, and the name of the configuration file.

For example, to run a Kanzi application named MyApplication with the myConfiguration.cfg file use

MyApplication.exe -config=myConfiguration.cfg

Using the application.cfg

To configure your Kanzi application using application.cfg, create an application.cfg file that contains the parameter names and their values in:

  • <ProjectName>/Application Player if you have a Kanzi Studio project without a C++ application

  • <ProjectName>/Application/bin if you have a Kanzi Studio project with a C++ application

When you launch your Kanzi application, the application uses the parameters in the application.cfg to configure your application.

Error handling for application.cfg

If an application.cfg is missing or is corrupted, Kanzi application logs a corresponding error message and continues to run with the default settings.

If you want to implement your own application.cfg error handling, you can create a custom logger to detect such errors. See Creating a custom logger.

Running an application without reading the application.cfg

On some embedded platforms reading the application.cfg file can have a performance impact.

To run an application without reading the application.cfg file, on the command line launch your Kanzi application with the -config="" option.

For example, to run a Kanzi application named MyApplication without reading the application.cfg file use

MyApplication.exe -config=""



You can set which kzb file or kzb configuration file your Kanzi application loads when you launch your Kanzi application.

See Kzb files.

In application.cfg

BinaryName = "name"

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.binaryName = "name";



Path to a single kzb file, or to the kzb configuration file that lists all the kzb files that your Kanzi application loads.

application.cfg example

# Loads the kzb file named my_application.kzb.
BinaryName = "my_application.kzb"
# Loads the kzb configuration file my_application.kzb.cfg that lists
# all the kzb files that your Kanzi application loads.
BinaryName = "my_application.kzb.cfg"

Application::onConfigure example

// Loads the kzb file named my_application.kzb.
configuration.binaryName = "my_application.kzb";
// Loads the kzb configuration file my_application.kzb.cfg that lists
// all the kzb files that your Kanzi application loads.
configuration.binaryName = "my_application.kzb.cfg";


You can set which font engine you want to load at application startup to render the text in your application:

  • FreeType uses the FreeType rasterizer, HarfBuzz shaper, and ICU bidirectional library, and libunibreak for line breaking. This is the default font engine.

  • iType uses the Monotype iType rasterizer and WorldType® Shaper™ for shaping.

  • When you do not load a font engine, Kanzi does not render the text in your application.

When loading a font engine, keep in mind that:

  • In a static build, you must statically link to the application the font engine that you want to load.

  • In a dynamic build, Kanzi loads the font engine library.

You can also set which font engine you want the Kanzi Studio Preview to use to render text. See Setting the font engine for the Preview.

In application.cfg

FontEngine = fontEngine

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.fontEngine = fontEngine;



The font engine that Kanzi loads at application startup.

To load the iType font engine:

To load the FreeType font engine (the default value):

  • In application.cfg use FreeType. Default value.

  • In Application::onConfigure use ApplicationProperties::FontEngine::FreeType. Default value.

To not load a font engine:

When you do not load a font engine, Kanzi does not render the text in your application.

application.cfg example

# Load the iType font engine at application startup.
FontEngine = IType

Application::onConfigure example

// Load the iType font engine at application startup.
configuration.fontEngine = ApplicationProperties::FontEngine::IType;

Font engine dictionaries

You can customize how Kanzi iType font engine wraps words in Thai text by setting a Thai dictionary that you want to use instead of the one that is built into the iType font engine.

See Customizing word wrapping in Thai text with iType font engine.

In application.cfg

ITypeDictionaryUrls = fontEngineDictionaryUrls

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.fontEngineDictionaryUrls[fontEngine] = fontEngineDictionaryUrls



Semicolon-separated list of URLs that point to dictionaries that you want to use. The order and format of dictionaries depends on the font engine that your application uses. See FontEngine.


The font engine for which to set the additional dictionaries. Kanzi supports only ApplicationProperties::FontEngine::IType.

application.cfg example

# Set additional backend dictionaries.
ITypeDictionaryUrls = file:///usr/share/itype/thai-dictionary.wtd

Application::onConfigure example

// Set additional backend dictionaries.
configuration.fontEngineDictionaryUrls[ApplicationProperties::FontEngine::IType] = "file:///usr/share/itype/thai-dictionary.wtd";


You can set which plugins your Kanzi application loads when you launch your Kanzi application.

In application.cfg

ModuleNames= "names"

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.moduleNames = names;



List of plugins to load.

application.cfg example

# Loads the plugin DLL files MyPlugin1.dll and MyPlugin2.dll.
ModuleNames = "MyPlugin1; MyPlugin2"

Application::onConfigure example

// Loads the plugin DLL files MyPlugin1.dll and MyPlugin2.dll.
configuration.moduleNames = {"MyPlugin1", "MyPlugin2"};


Kanzi keeps a queue of resources that are deployed on the UI thread. Use DeploymentQueueBudget to control the amount of time that Kanzi spends each frame to deploy resources. When many small resources are in the deployment queue, time budget greater than 0 can significantly decrease the time to load application resources.

The time budget does not set a hard limit on the total amount of time spent on resource deployment each frame. A long running deployment task can take longer than the allocated time.

When set to the default value of 0 milliseconds, Kanzi deploys each frame only one resource from the resource deployment queue.

See Balancing between UI responsiveness and resource loading.

In application.cfg

DeploymentQueueBudget = milliseconds

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.deploymentQueueBudget = milliseconds;



Maximum number of milliseconds to spend on resource deployment each frame. The default value is 0. For Kanzi Android framework (droidfw) applications, the default value is 5.

application.cfg example

# Each frame Kanzi spends up to 2 milliseconds to deploy resources.
# Kanzi keeps deploying resources until it spends the allocated time budget
# for that frame.
DeploymentQueueBudget = 2

Application::onConfigure example

// Each frame Kanzi spends up to 2 milliseconds to deploy resources.
// Kanzi keeps deploying resources until it spends the allocated time budget
// for that frame.
configuration.deploymentQueueBudget = 2;


When users run your Kanzi application in an environment with a multi-core processor, Kanzi automatically uses multiple CPU cores to load the GPU resources in the kzb files to RAM.

See Loading resources in parallel.

GPU resources Kanzi loads in parallel include all types of textures, shaders, and meshes. To deploy these resources from RAM to GPU memory and to load prefab templates, Kanzi always uses the main thread. See Images and textures best practices, Shaders best practices, Meshes best practices.

In application.cfg

LoadingThreadCount = threads

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.loadingThreadCount = threads;



Number of CPU cores used for loading the resources. The default value is 3.

application.cfg example

# Switches off the use of multiple cores for loading your application.
# Loads your application resources using the main thread.
LoadingThreadCount = 0
# Uses six threads to load your application.
LoadingThreadCount = 5

Application::onConfigure example

// Switches off the use of multiple cores for loading your application.
// Loads your application resources using the main thread.
configuration.loadingThreadCount = 0;
// Uses six threads to load your application.
configuration.loadingThreadCount = 5;


You can set the maximum number of resources that the loading threads process at the same time. By increasing the number of resources you can speed up the loading, but at the same time you increase the peak memory use during loading because you can load more resources to the memory before they are deployed to the GPU.

In application.cfg

MaxPendingResources = resources

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.maxPendingResources  = resources;



The maximum number of resources processed at the same time by the loading threads. The default value is 0 and sets the maximum number of resources to the number of loading threads +1.

application.cfg example

# Sets the maximum number of resources processed by the loading
# threads to the number of loading threads + 1. This is the default value.
MaxPendingResources = 0
# Sets the maximum number of resources processed by the loading
# threads to 20 resources.
MaxPendingResources = 20

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets the maximum number of resources processed by the loading
// threads to the number of loading threads + 1. This is the default value.
configuration.maxPendingResources = 0;
// Sets the maximum number of resources processed by the loading
// threads to 20 resources.
configuration.maxPendingResources = 20;



Kanzi suspends the main loop when there is no input, tasks, timers, animations, or when there is nothing in the application that updates the rendering.

See Application idle state.

When using application idle state, consider that:

  • If your Kanzi application is showing an animation, Kanzi by default throttles the CPU to the maximum FPS. If there are no animations, Kanzi sets the application to idle state. For this reason to conserve the CPU and power, Kanzi by default limits the maximum frame rate to 60 frames per second. Use the application configuration to set the maximum frame rate for your application.

    See MaximumFPS.

  • If your application relies on continuously executing some main loop tasks, such as functionality that you added to the main loop UserStage, disable the idle state.

  • When your application is in idle state and the application makes changes to the render pass tree, Kanzi does not trigger the rendering to render the changes. To render the changes in such case, you must manually trigger the rendering by calling on any node the Node::invalidateDraw function.

In application.cfg

ApplicationIdleState = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.applicationIdleStateEnabled = value;



Disable the application idle state.


Enable the application idle state. Default value.

application.cfg example

# Disables the application idle state.
ApplicationIdleState = 0

Application::onConfigure example

// Disables the application idle state.
configuration.applicationIdleStateEnabled = 0;


You can limit the number of frames rendered per second by setting the maximum frame rate.

If your Kanzi application is showing an animation, Kanzi by default throttles the CPU to the maximum FPS. If there are no animations, Kanzi sets the application to idle state. For this reason to conserve the CPU and power, Kanzi by default limits the maximum frame rate to 60 frames per second. Use the application configuration to set the maximum frame rate for your application.

See PerformanceInfoLevel.

In application.cfg

MaximumFPS = limit

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.frameRateLimit = limit;



The maximum frame rate of the application in frames per second.

application.cfg example

# Sets the maximum application frame rate to 32 frames per second.
MaximumFPS = 32
# Disables the limit.
MaximumFPS = 0

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets the maximum application frame rate to 32 frames per second.
configuration.frameRateLimit = 32;
// Disables the limit.
configuration.frameRateLimit = 0;


You can enable the display of Performance HUD that shows the performance information for your Kanzi application. Use the Performance HUD to see how your application performs on target devices and to find performance bottlenecks.

Performance HUD shows this performance information for your Kanzi application:

  • FPS shows the number of frames rendered every second.

  • Last Frame shows this information for the last frame:

    • Main Loop Counter shows the number of times that the Kanzi main loop has run.

    • Time shows the time in milliseconds it took to render the frame.

    • Batch Count shows how many individual draw calls were executed (glDrawElements and glDrawArrays).

      You can access the batch count using the Kanzi Engine API by calling Renderer::getBatchCount.

    • Triangle Count shows how many individual triangles were drawn in total during a frame.

      You can access the triangle count in the Kanzi Engine API by calling Renderer::getTriangleCount.

    • Texture Switches shows how many times a new texture was bound to GPU.

      You can access the texture switch count in the Kanzi Engine API by calling Renderer::getTextureSwitchCount.

    • FBO Switches shows how many framebuffer objects were bound to GPU. See Rendering best practices.

      You can access the buffer switch count in the Kanzi Engine API by calling Renderer::getFramebufferSwitchCount.

    • Timeline Clock shows the time in milliseconds it took to execute all animations in the application.

  • Shader shows how many times a new shader was bound for the newly applied batch and how many individual shader uniforms were sent for the last frame. See Reducing shader switches.

    You can access the shader switch count in the Kanzi Engine API by calling Renderer::getShaderSwitchCount.

    You can access the uniforms sent in the Kanzi Engine API by calling Renderer::getUniformSendCount.

  • Resource Memory Use shows an estimated amount of local GPU memory (VRAM) and non-local GPU memory (RAM) that your Kanzi application uses.

    The values that the Performance HUD shows in the Kanzi Studio Preview and when you run the Kanzi application on a target device differ because Kanzi Studio loads and keeps in memory all resources in the application.

  • Timer subscriptions shows the number of registered timer handlers in the MessageDispatcher. Too many timer handlers can decrease the performance of your application.

    You can access the number of timer subscriptions in the Kanzi Engine API by calling getSubscriptionCount().

  • Animations shows the number of active and all animations in your Kanzi application.

    You can access the number of animations in the Kanzi Engine API:

    • To get the number of active animations, use getActiveTimelinePlaybackCount().

    • To get the number of all animations, use getTimelinePlaybackCount().

You can set the position of the Performance HUD inside the window of your Kanzi application. See PerformanceInfoPosition.

See Best practices.

In application.cfg

PerformanceInfoLevel = level

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.performanceInfoLevel = ApplicationProperties::level;



The level of display of performance information.

To disable the display of the Performance HUD:

To enable the display of the frames rendered per second (FPS):

To enable the display of the full Performance HUD:

application.cfg example

# Enables the full Performance HUD in a Kanzi application.
PerformanceInfoLevel = 2

Application::onConfigure example

// Enables the full Performance HUD in a Kanzi application.
configuration.performanceInfoLevel = ApplicationProperties::PerformanceInfoLevelFull;


You can set the position of the Performance HUD inside the window of your Kanzi application. To see the Performance HUD in the window of your Kanzi application, you must enable it. See PerformanceInfoLevel.

In application.cfg

PerformanceInfoPositionX = positionX

PerformanceInfoPositionY = positionY

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.performanceInfoProperties.positionX = positionX;

configuration.performanceInfoProperties.positionY = positionY;



Horizontal position of the top-left corner of the Performance HUD from the top-left corner of a Kanzi application window. Use 0 to position the Performance HUD to the left of the window.


Vertical position of the top-left corner of the Performance HUD from the top-left corner of a Kanzi application window. Use 0 to position the Performance HUD to the top of the window.

application.cfg example

# Position the Performance HUD 100 pixels from the left side and
# 20 pixels from the top of the Kanzi application window.
PerformanceInfoPositionX = 100
PerformanceInfoPositionY = 20

Application::onConfigure example

// Position the Performance HUD 100 pixels from the left side and
// 20 pixels from the top of the Kanzi application window.
configuration.performanceInfoProperties.positionX = 100;
configuration.performanceInfoProperties.positionY = 20;


You can choose which main loop tasks you want to show as graphs in the Performance HUD. For the names of the default main loop tasks, in the application.hpp see the implementation of Application::initializeMainLoopTasks(). To see the Performance HUD in the window of your Kanzi application, you must enable it. See PerformanceInfoLevel.

In application.cfg

PerformanceInfoGraphFilter = "category"

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.performanceInfoProperties.graphFilter = "category";



The names of one or more main loop tasks separated by semicolons(;).

application.cfg example

# Enables graphs for tasks Render and MyCustomTask.

Application::onConfigure example

// Enables graphs for tasks Render and MyCustomTask.


You can control the state of performance profiling categories that you use to group performance profilers. See Measuring application performance and Measuring the loading and deployment time of resources.

In application.cfg

ProfilingCategoryFilter = "category=state"

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.profilingCategoryFilter = "category=state";



The names of one or more profiling categories separated by pipes (|).

To set the state of all categories, use asterisk (*).



Disable performance profiling category.


Enable performance profiling category.

Separate a list of category-state pairs with semicolons (;).

application.cfg examples

# Enables the MyProfiler category and disables the MainLoopRendering category.
# Enables all performance profiling categories.
# Enables categories Generic and MyProfilingCategory.
# Enables resource profiling.

Application::onConfigure examples

# Enables the MyProfiler category and disables the MainLoopRendering category.
// Enables all performance profiling categories.
configuration.profilingCategoryFilter = "*=on";
// Enables categories Generic and MyProfilingCategory.
configuration.profilingCategoryFilter = "Generic|MyProfilingCategory=on";
// Enables resource profiling.
configuration.profilingCategoryFilter = "ResourceLoading=on";

This table lists the Kanzi startup performance profiling categories and profilers that are included in the Profiling build.


Configuration name


Application initialization



Default resource registration



Graphics initialization



GL subsystem initialization



Startup kzb file opening



Loading threads initialization



Metadata registration



Plugins loading



Prefabs loading



Prefabs instantiation



Prefabs attachment



Renderer reset



Runtime assets registration



Domain initialization










You can set the sample buffer size of the main loop performance profiler that is included in the Profiling build. See Measuring the performance of Kanzi Engine and ProfilingCategoryFilter.

In application.cfg

MainLoopProfilingSampleBufferCount = samples

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.mainLoopProfilingSampleBufferCount = samples



Maximum number of samples in the buffer for the main loop performance profilers included in the Kanzi Profiling build. The default value is 1024.

application.cfg example

# Sets the maximum number of samples in main loop performance profilers
# to 3600.
MainLoopProfilingSampleBufferCount = 3600

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets the maximum number of samples in main loop performance profilers
// to 3600.
configuration.mainLoopProfilingSampleBufferCount = 3600;

Glyph cache texture size

When you use a Text Block Kanzi creates a glyph cache texture for every font and font size combination. You can set the height and width of glyph cache textures to adjust the size of the glyph cache texture either when it gets full, or to optimize the performance of your Kanzi application.

Because larger glyph cache textures use more VRAM, try different sizes before you set the final size. The upper limit of the glyph cache texture size depends on the GPU, but usually it is 2048 by 2048 pixels. The default size of the glyph cache texture is 512 by 512 pixels.

Kanzi applies the size of the glyph cache texture to all glyph cache textures.

In application.cfg

GlyphCacheHeight = size

GlyphCacheWidth = size

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.glyphCacheHeight = size;

configuration.glyphCacheWidth = size;



Size of the glyph cache texture in pixels. The default value is 512.

application.cfg example

# Sets the glyph cache texture height to 768, and width to 1024 pixels.
GlyphCacheHeight = 768
GlyphCacheWidth = 1024

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets the glyph cache texture height to 768, and width to 1024 pixels.
configuration.glyphCacheHeight = 768;
configuration.glyphCacheWidth = 1024;



On the integrity_rcar_rwm_aarch64 platform you can set whether you want to initialize the application graphics. Use this approach only as a late-stage optimization when you want to manually synchronize the starting of multiple applications that initialize at the same time.

This configuration controls the initialization of the graphics driver, device window manager, and whether the display is switched on. When you disable this configuration, to enable your Kanzi application to create a window, in the same process you must initialize:

  • PVRGrfxServerInit()

  • R_WM_DevInit()

  • (Optional) R_WM_DevInfoGet()

  • (Optional) R_WM_ScreenBgColorSet()

  • R_WM_ScreenEnable()

  • Explicitly set the application window width and height. See Application window position and size.

When you disable graphics initialization with this configuration, you must initialize graphics for each application separately where you disabled this setting.

In application.cfg

InitializePlatform = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultWindowProperties.initializePlatform  = value;



Disable the graphics initialization.


Enable the graphics initialization. Default value.

application.cfg example

# Disables the graphics initialization.
InitializePlatform = 0

Application::onConfigure example

// Disables the graphics initialization.
configuration.defaultWindowProperties.initializePlatform = 0;


You can set how you prefer Kanzi to perform multisampling: blitting from renderbuffer or implicit multisampling.

When blitting from renderbuffer Kanzi first renders into a multisampled renderbuffer. When the rendering is done, Kanzi resolves the samples by blitting the result into a regular texture. Blitting from renderbuffer requires one of these:

  • Your platform supports OpenGL (ES) 3 or higher.

  • The GL_ARB_framebuffer_object extension is available.

  • The GL_NV_framebuffer_blit and GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample extensions are available.

Implicit multisampling means that Kanzi performs multisampled rendering to a texture without requiring an explicit resolve of the multisample data, that is, downsampling the data to single sample per pixel. Implicit multisampling requires that one of these extensions is available:

  • GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture

  • GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture

By default Kanzi chooses the multisampling method it deems the best:

  • On desktop platforms, Kanzi blits from renderbuffer.

  • On platforms that use OpenGL ES, Kanzi uses implicit multisampling.

See Applying anti-aliasing.

In application.cfg

MultisamplePreference = preference

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.multisamplePreference = Renderer::RendererSettings::preference;



The multisampling preference.

To set no multisampling preference and let Kanzi choose the best method:

To blit from the renderbuffer:

To use implicit multisampling:

application.cfg example

# Uses implicit multisampling.
MultisamplePreference = Implicit

Application::onConfigure example

// Uses implicit multisampling.
configuration.multisamplePreference = Renderer::RendererSettings::MultisamplePreferenceImplicit;


On operating systems that support it, you can set how Kanzi instructs the system to memory map files:

  • Lazy mapping waits for your Kanzi application to access file contents before mapping that portion of the file.

  • Eager mapping maps the whole file immediately.

The behavior of the application is identical between the two strategies, but you can choose when to pay the runtime cost of mapping a file.

By default Kanzi uses the default memory mapping strategy of the system.

In application.cfg

MmapMode = mode

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.mmapMode = mode

On the command line




Memory mapping strategy to use.

To use the system default:

  • In application.cfg use default. Default value.

  • In Application::onConfigure use MmapMode::Default. Default value.

  • On the command line use default.

To use eager mapping:

To use lazy mapping:

Command line settings take priority over application.cfg. When you specify multiple instances on the command line, Kanzi uses only the first one and ignores the others.

application.cfg example

# Uses lazy memory mapping.
MmapMode = lazy

Application::onConfigure example

// Uses lazy memory mapping.
configuration.mmapMode = MmapMode::Lazy;

GPU resources


You can set how your Kanzi application handles in the paused state (MainLoopState::Paused) the GPU resources that are not stored in a kzb file.

In application.cfg

HandleGPUResources = handling

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.handleGPUResources = handling



The way to handle GPU resources in the paused state.

To do nothing (default value on all platforms except Android):

To invalidate the GPU resources (default value on Android):

To destroy the GPU resources:

application.cfg example

# Invalidates the GPU resources.
HandleGPUResources = invalidate

Application::onConfigure example

// Invalidates the GPU resources.
configuration.handleGPUResources = ApplicationProperties::HandleGPUResources::Invalidate;

Graphics performance logging


You can enable Kanzi to print to the debug console the graphics API calls of your application in the Application::onConfigure function, in the application.cfg, or using the command line argument, if your target supports command line arguments.

On the command line use:

  • -log-graphics to log the graphics API calls

In application.cfg

GraphicsLoggingEnabled = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.graphicsLoggingEnabled  = value;



Disable the logging of the graphics API calls. Default value.


Enable the logging of the graphics API calls.

application.cfg example

# Enables the logging of the graphics API calls.
GraphicsLoggingEnabled = 1

Application::onConfigure example

// Enables the logging of the graphics API calls.
configuration.graphicsLoggingEnabled = 1;


You can enable Kanzi to print to the debug console a list of the graphics-related extensions on application startup.

In application.cfg

LogOpenGLExtensions = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.extensionOutputEnabled = value;



Disable the logging of the graphics-related extensions. Default value.


Enable the logging of the graphics-related extensions.

application.cfg example

# Enables the logging of the graphics-related extensions.
LogOpenGLExtensions = 1

Application::onConfigure example

// Enables the logging of the graphics-related extensions.
configuration.extensionOutputEnabled = 1;


You can enable Kanzi to print to the debug console this graphics-related information on application startup:

  • GL vendor

  • GL renderer

  • GL version

  • Shading language version

In application.cfg

LogOpenGLInformation = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.informationOutputEnabled = value;



Disable the logging of the graphics-related information. Default value.


Enable the logging of the graphics-related information.

application.cfg example

# Enables the logging of the graphics-related information.
LogOpenGLInformation = 1

Application::onConfigure example

// Enables the logging of the graphics-related information.
configuration.informationOutputEnabled = 1;


You can enable Kanzi to print to the debug console these graphics-related properties on application startup:

In application.cfg

LogSurfaceInformation = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.propertyOutputEnabled = value;



Disable the logging of the graphics-related properties. Default value.


Enable the logging of the graphics-related properties.

application.cfg example

# Enables the logging of the graphics-related properties.
LogSurfaceInformation = 1

Application::onConfigure example

// Enables the logging of the graphics-related properties.
configuration.propertyOutputEnabled = 1;

QNX system logger (slogger2)

On QNX you can use the QNX system logger (slogger2) to write log messages. When you redirect log messages to slogger2, your Kanzi application continues writing the log messages to the default logger.

A Kanzi application does not use the default slogger2 buffer, which allows you to use slog2_set_default_buffer. Kanzi provides slogger2 that supports logging to only one slogger2 buffer. When slogger2 stops logging, Kanzi calls slog2_reset. To change this behavior, see: Cleaning up after slogger2.

Keep in mind that slogger2 initializes after Kanzi reads the configuration for your Kanzi application. For this reason the slogger2 logs do not contain the log messages before that time.

To use slogger2, you can either:


Before you can use slogger2 with your Kanzi application, you must enable it.

In application.cfg

QnxEnableSlogger2 = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.slog2Config.enabled = value



Enable slogger2.


Disable slogger2. Default value.

application.cfg example

# Enable logging to slogger2.
QnxEnableSlogger2 = true

Application::onConfigure example

// Enable logging to slogger2.
configuration.slog2Config.enabled = true;


You can set which log messages you want slogger2 to log. The Kanzi application configuration verbosity levels map to the slogger2 log verbosity levels.

In application.cfg

QnxSlogger2VerbosityLevel = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.slog2Config.verbosityLevel = Slog2VerbosityLevel::value



Maps to the slogger2 level SLOG2_SHUTDOWN.


Maps to the slogger2 level SLOG2_CRITICAL.


Maps to the slogger2 level SLOG2_ERROR.


Maps to the slogger2 level SLOG2_WARNING.


Maps to the slogger2 level SLOG2_NOTICE.


Maps to the slogger2 level SLOG2_INFO.


Maps to the slogger2 level SLOG2_DEBUG1.


Maps to the slogger2 level SLOG2_DEBUG2. Default value.

application.cfg example

# Sets the slogger2 log level to SLOG2_INFO.
QnxSlogger2VerbosityLevel = Slog2Info

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets the slogger2 log level to SLOG2_INFO.
configuration.slog2Config.verbosityLevel = Slog2VerbosityLevel::Slog2Info;


On QNX versions 7.0.4 and newer you can limit the amount of times slogger2 retries to obtain a buffer.

When you set this limit and slogger2 reaches it, Kanzi drops the log message and increases the dropped message count. You can see the number of dropped messages in the slogger2 logs in the next non-dropped log entry of the variable code written before the log message.

In application.cfg

QnxSlogger2MaxRetries = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.slog2Config.maxRetries = value



uint32_t value that sets the limit. By default a Kanzi application sets this to Slog2UnlimitedRetries (UINT32_MAX). This means that the number of retries is not limited.

application.cfg example

# Set the retry limit to 10 retries.
QnxSlogger2MaxRetries = 10

Application::onConfigure example

// Set the retry limit to 10 retries.
configuration.slog2Config.maxRetries = 10;


You can set the multiple of 4KB pages that the QNX logger acquires for the internal slogger2 buffer.

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.slog2Config.pageCount = value



Integer value for the number of pages to allocate for the slogger2 buffer. The default is 8.

Application::onConfigure example

// For example, when you set the slogger2 verbosity level to
// SLOG2_ERROR slogger2 writes to log less frequently
// (low rate logging), and by decreasing the page count
// you can increase the logging pace.
configuration.slog2Config.pageCount = 1;


Kanzi enables you to register a custom slogger2 buffer and pass it to a Kanzi application. Your Kanzi application then uses the buffer to write logs. For example, you can register a custom slogger2 buffer when you want to give the buffer a custom name or if you want to set any of the properties from the slog2_buffer_set_config_t structure passed to slog2_register. See QNX system logger (slogger2).

Graphics library

On the Windows operating system you can select whether you want to use OpenGL ES or OpenGL in the Application::onConfigure function, in the application.cfg, or using the command line arguments, if your target supports command line arguments.

On the command line use:

  • -gles to use OpenGL ES

  • -gl to use OpenGL

  • -egl to use EGL

  • -wgl to use WGL

  • -glx to use GLX

In application.cfg

SurfaceClientAPI = clientApi

GraphicsContextAPI = contextApi

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.clientAPI = clientApi;

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.contextAPI = contextApi;



To use OpenGL ES:

To use OpenGL:


To use WGL:

To use EGL:

To use GLX:

application.cfg example

# Sets the surface target for OpenGL rendering and WGL graphics context.
SurfaceClientAPI = gl
GraphicsContextAPI = wgl

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets the surface target for OpenGL rendering and WGL graphics context.
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.clientAPI = SurfaceClientAPI::OpenGL;
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.contextAPI = GraphicsContextAPI::WGL;

Surface properties

Surface properties control the properties of the hardware-accelerated graphics surface onto which Kanzi renders. They control the relation between image quality and rendering speed.

The surface properties that you set are considered requests to be matched by the graphics system of the target hardware. Whether a given request is considered an upper bound, a lower bound, or an exact value, is platform-dependent.

To get the platform-dependent default values of surface properties, call kzsSurfaceGetDefaultProperties().

Color format

You can set the sizes of the RGB color channels and the alpha channel in bits.

In application.cfg

SurfaceBitsRed = red

SurfaceBitsGreen = green

SurfaceBitsBlue = blue

SurfaceBitsAlpha = alpha

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsColorR = red;

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsColorG = green;

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsColorB = blue;

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsAlpha = alpha;



Size of the red color channel in bits.


Size of the green color channel in bits.


Size of the blue color channel in bits.


Size of the alpha channel in bits.

The default size of each channel is 8 bits.

To let the platform choose the value, use "unspecified".

application.cfg example

# Set the sizes of the color and alpha channels for a typical
# high-speed rendering application.
SurfaceBitsRed = 5
SurfaceBitsGreen = 6
SurfaceBitsBlue = 5
SurfaceBitsAlpha = 0
# Let the platform choose the sizes of the color and alpha channels.
SurfaceBitsRed = "unspecified"
SurfaceBitsGreen = "unspecified"
SurfaceBitsBlue = "unspecified"
SurfaceBitsAlpha = "unspecified"

Application::onConfigure example

// Set the sizes of the color and alpha channels for a typical
// high-speed rendering application.
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsColorR = 5;
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsColorG = 6;
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsColorB = 5;
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsAlpha = 0;

To let the platform choose the color and alpha channel sizes:

  • For Android WS, Emscripten, QNX EGL, Wayland EGL, or X11 EGL graphics output:

    configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceBitsRed] = "unspecified";
    configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceBitsGreen] = "unspecified";
    configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceBitsBlue] = "unspecified";
    configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceBitsAlpha] = "unspecified";
  • For other graphics outputs:

    configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsColorR = KZS_SURFACE_PROPERTY_DONT_CARE;
    configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsColorG = KZS_SURFACE_PROPERTY_DONT_CARE;
    configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsColorB = KZS_SURFACE_PROPERTY_DONT_CARE;
    configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsAlpha = KZS_SURFACE_PROPERTY_DONT_CARE;


You can set the size of the stencil buffer in bits.

In application.cfg

SurfaceBitsStencil = bufferSize

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsStencil = bufferSize;



Size of the stencil buffer in bits.

The default value is 8 bits.

To let the platform choose the value, use "unspecified".

application.cfg example

# Set the size of the stencil buffer to one bit.
SurfaceBitsStencil = 1
# Let the platform choose the size of the stencil buffer.
SurfaceBitsStencil = "unspecified"

Application::onConfigure example

// Set the size of the stencil buffer to one bit.
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsStencil = 1;

To let the platform choose the size of the stencil buffer:

  • For Android WS, Emscripten, QNX EGL, Wayland EGL, or X11 EGL graphics output:

    configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceBitsStencil] = "unspecified";
  • For other graphics outputs:

    configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsStencil = KZS_SURFACE_PROPERTY_DONT_CARE;


You can set the size of the depth buffer in bits.

In application.cfg

SurfaceBitsDepthBuffer = bufferSize

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsDepthBuffer = bufferSize;



Size of the depth buffer in bits.

The default value is 24 bits.

To let the platform choose the value, use "unspecified".

application.cfg example

# Set the size of the depth buffer to 16 bits.
SurfaceBitsStencil = 16
# Let the platform choose the size of the depth buffer.
SurfaceBitsDepthBuffer = "unspecified"

Application::onConfigure example

// Set the size of the depth buffer to 16 bits.
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsDepthBuffer = 16;

To let the platform choose the size of the depth buffer:

  • For Android WS, Emscripten, QNX EGL, Wayland EGL, or X11 EGL graphics output:

    configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyDefaultSurfaceBitsDepth] = "unspecified";
  • For other graphics outputs:

    configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsDepthBuffer = KZS_SURFACE_PROPERTY_DONT_CARE;


On QNX, you can set the size of the padding in bits to add to the color format of the Kanzi application window.

In application.cfg

SurfaceBitsPadding = padding

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsPadding = padding;



Size of the padding in bits to add to the color format of the application window.

By default, Kanzi lets the platform choose the size.

application.cfg example

# Set the size of the padding to 2 bits.
SurfaceBitsPadding = 2

Application::onConfigure example

// Set the size of the padding to 2 bits.
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.bitsPadding = 2;


You can enable the initialization of OpenGL for the hardware that displays your Kanzi application.

In application.cfg

SurfaceColorSpace = colorSpace

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.colorSpace = colorSpace;

On the command line




Enables the initialization of OpenGL for the hardware that displays the application.

  • To use the sRGB color space:

    This is the default.

    Use this option when your application uses the linear color workflow, where Kanzi performs operations on color values in linear color space.

    The linear color workflow requires:

    • OpenGL extension GL_EXT_sRGB

    • EGL version 1.5 or later, or EGL version 1.4 with the EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace extension

    When you use the sRGB color space, Kanzi expects that in the Kanzi Studio project properties the Color Workflow property is set to Linear (default value).

    See Using the linear color workflow.

  • To use an unspecified color space:

    Use this option when your application uses the legacy color workflow, where Kanzi performs operations on color values in the nonlinear gamma color space.

    When you use an unspecified color space, Kanzi expects that in the Kanzi Studio project properties the Color Workflow property is set to Legacy.

    See Using the legacy color workflow.

  • To pass the shader output directly to the graphics surface:

    Use this option when you want to perform custom gamma correction for the target display.

    Kanzi does not perform automatic output conversion on shader writes, but instead expects the shaders to perform a custom color space conversion.

    When you use a custom color space, Kanzi expects that in the Kanzi Studio project properties the Color Workflow property is set to Linear (default value).

application.cfg example

# Set your application to use an unspecified color space.
SurfaceColorSpace = "legacy"

Application::onConfigure example

// Set your application to use an unspecified color space.
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.colorSpace = "legacy";

Command line example

# Set your application to use an unspecified color space.

See Color workflow.


You can set the number of surface samples to use for anti-aliasing.

In application.cfg

SurfaceSamplesAntialiasing = samples

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.antiAliasing = samples;



The number of anti-aliasing surface samples to use.

By default:

application.cfg example

# Set the number of anti-aliasing samples to 4.
SurfaceSamplesAntialiasing = 4

Application::onConfigure example

// Set the number of anti-aliasing samples to 4.
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.antiAliasing = 4;


You can set whether to swap or copy buffers during buffer swap.

In application.cfg

SwapBehavior = swap

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.swapBehaviorCopy = swap;



Sets whether to swap or copy buffers during buffer swap.

To let Kanzi automatically select whether to copy or swap the buffers, in Application::onConfigure use SwapBehavior::Unspecified. This is the default value.

To copy the buffers:

To swap the buffers:

application.cfg example

# Copy buffers during buffer swap.
SwapBehavior = "copy"

Application::onConfigure example

// Copy buffers during buffer swap.
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.swapBehaviorCopy = SwapBehavior::Copy;


You can create an EGL IMG context with a priority hint. By default, Kanzi lets the platform choose the priority.

In application.cfg

EGLIMGContextPriority = priority

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.priority = priority;

On the command line




Enables the creation of an EGL IMG context with a priority hint.

By default, Kanzi lets the platform choose the priority.

To set low priority:

To set medium priority:

To set high priority:

application.cfg example

# Set the EGL IMG context priority to high.
EGLIMGContextPriority = "high"
# Let the platform choose the EGL IMG context priority.
EGLIMGContextPriority = "unspecified"

Application::onConfigure example

// Set the EGL IMG context priority to high.
configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.priority = EGLIMGContextPriority::High;

To let the platform choose the EGL IMG context priority:

  • For Android WS, Emscripten, QNX EGL, or X11 EGL graphics output:

    configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyEGLIMGContextPriority] = "unspecified";
  • For other graphics outputs:

    configuration.defaultSurfaceProperties.priority = KZS_SURFACE_PROPERTY_DONT_CARE;

Command line example

# Set the EGL IMG context priority to high.

Application window position and size

You can set the position of your Kanzi application on the screen relative to the upper-left corner of the screen and the size of the application window in pixels. The default size of the window is 640x480 pixels and center of the device screen.

To make the application window fixed size, resizable, fullscreen, or without borders, see WindowStyle.

To set the default display where the application window appears, see DefaultDisplayIndex.

In application.cfg

WindowX = positionX

WindowY = positionY

WindowWidth = width

WindowHeight = height

WindowOrder = order

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultWindowProperties.x = positionX;

configuration.defaultWindowProperties.y = positionY;

configuration.defaultWindowProperties.width = width;

configuration.defaultWindowProperties.height = height;

configuration.defaultWindowProperties.order = order;



Horizontal position of the top-left corner of the application window from the top-left corner of the screen in pixels. Use 0 to position the window to the left of the device screen.


Vertical position of the top-left corner of the application window from the top-left corner of the screen in pixels. Use 0 to position the window to the top of the device screen.


Window width in pixels.


Window height in pixels.


Z-order of the application window. You can use this parameter to arrange Kanzi applications when you run more than one application at the same time. The values for this parameter depend on your target platform. By default Kanzi sets the value to NativeWindowProperties::WindowPositionSpecifiers::WindowPositionUnspecified, which does not set order.

application.cfg example

# Set the width to 1280 and height to 720 pixels and place it 100 pixels
# from the top and 1 pixel from the left side of the device screen.
WindowWidth = 1280
WindowHeight = 720
WindowX = 100
WindowY = 1
# Place the application window in the top-left corner of the device screen.
WindowX = 0
WindowY = 0
# On Windows, places the application window on top of other windows.
WindowOrder = 0

Application::onConfigure example

// Set the width to 1280 and height to 720 pixels and place it 100 pixels
// from the top and 1 pixel from the left side of the device screen.
configuration.defaultWindowProperties.width = 1280;
configuration.defaultWindowProperties.height = 720;
configuration.defaultWindowProperties.x = 100;
configuration.defaultWindowProperties.y = 1;
// Place the application window in the top-left corner of the device screen.
configuration.defaultWindowProperties.x = 0;
configuration.defaultWindowProperties.y = 0;
// On Windows, places the application window on top of other windows.
configuration.defaultWindowProperties.order = 0;

Graphics card selection


On the platforms that use the GBM windowing system, you can set which graphics card you want your Kanzi application to use.

In application.cfg

DeviceIdentifier = identifier

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultDesktopProperties.deviceIdentifier = identifier;



Identifier of the graphics card that you want your Kanzi application to use. Default value for GBM is /dev/dri/card0.

application.cfg example

# Sets Kanzi to use the graphics card at /dev/dri/card1.
DeviceIdentifier = /dev/dri/card1

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets Kanzi to use the graphics card at /dev/dri/card1.
configuration.defaultDesktopProperties.deviceIdentifier = "/dev/dri/card1";

QNX context type selection

On QNX, you can set the context type that you want your Kanzi application to use. In application.cfg and on the command line you can set only one context type. To set more than one context type, set it in the Application::onConfigure.

In application.cfg

QnxContextType = contextType

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultDesktopProperties.contextFlags = contextType | contextType | contextType...;

On the command line




Type of the QNX context that you want your Kanzi application to use. Default value is SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT.

You can set your application to use these contexts:








application.cfg example

# Sets Kanzi to use the SCREEN_DISPLAY_MANAGER_CONTEXT context type.

Application::onConfigure example

configuration.defaultDesktopProperties.contextFlags = SCREEN_WINDOW_MANAGER_CONTEXT | SCREEN_INPUT_PROVIDER_CONTEXT;

Command line example

# Sets Kanzi to use the SCREEN_DISPLAY_MANAGER_CONTEXT context type.

Application window configuration


You can set the style of your Kanzi application window. Besides the default window with a border that users can resize, you can set your Kanzi application to launch in a window without a border, in a window of fixed size, and in a window that occupies the entire device screen.

To set the position and size of the application window, see Application window position and size.

In application.cfg

WindowStyle = "style"

In Application::onConfigure = style;



To set a window without borders or any other decorations that users cannot resize:

To set a window that users cannot resize:

To set a window that occupies the whole device screen:

To set a window that users can resize:

application.cfg example

# Launch the application in a window that occupies the whole screen of the device.
WindowStyle = "fullscreen"

Application::onConfigure example

// Launch the application in a window that occupies the whole screen of the device. = KZS_WINDOW_STYLE_FULL_SCREEN;


When you run your Kanzi application in full-screen mode on a system with more than one display, you can set the default display where your Kanzi application window appears.

To make the application window fullscreen, see WindowStyle.

In application.cfg

DefaultDisplayIndex = index

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultWindowProperties.defaultDisplayIndex = index;



Index number of the display. Default value is 0.

application.cfg example

# Sets the second display as the default display for the full-screen application window.
DefaultDisplayIndex = 1

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets the second display as the default display for the full-screen application window.
configuration.defaultWindowProperties.defaultDisplayIndex = 1;


If the windowing system of your target device supports setting the number of window buffers, you can set the number of native window buffers that your Kanzi application window uses. For example, Renesas window manager and QNX Screen support the setting of the number of window buffers.

In application.cfg

WindowBufferCount = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultWindowProperties.bufferCount = value;



The number of native window buffers used by the Kanzi application window. The default value is 0 and sets Kanzi to use the default value provided by the native windowing system of the target device.

application.cfg example

# Set the number of native window buffers used by the Kanzi application window to 3.
WindowBufferCount = 3

Application::onConfigure example

// Set the number of native window buffers used by the Kanzi application window to 3.
configuration.defaultWindowProperties.bufferCount = 3;


You can set the QNX Screen pipeline ID for your Kanzi application window. A graphics pipeline ID is an identifier that refers to the hardware layering that is specific to your target device.

When you set the pipeline ID, your Kanzi application sets that ID using the underlying system functions. By default a Kanzi application does not set the pipeline ID.

If you set the pipeline ID, make sure that the pipeline order of your target device and the z-ordering of the application windows make sense together. You can set the z-order of a Kanzi application window using the WindowOrder setting. See Application window position and size.

In application.cfg

QnxPipelineID = value

On the command line




Integer value that contains the QNX Screen pipeline ID. By default a Kanzi application does not set the pipeline ID.

The value that you set on the command line takes priority over the value that you set in application.cfg.

application.cfg example

# Sets the QNX Screen pipeline ID to 1.
QnxPipelineID = 1

Command line example

# Sets the QNX Screen pipeline ID to 1.


For a Kanzi application window you can programmatically set the usage flags for the QNX Screen property. Screen usage flags enable you to constrain the allocated QNX window buffers.

In Application::onConfigure

m_applicationProperties.defaultWindowProperties.usageFlags = usageFlags;



For available values, see QNX Screen usage flags.

Application::onConfigure example

// To use the OpenGL ES 3.X to render the QNX window buffer.
m_applicationProperties.defaultWindowProperties.usageFlags = SCREEN_USAGE_OPENGL_ES3;


You can set the EGL graphics format ID for your Kanzi application. EGL graphics format ID is an identifier that refers to an EGL configuration for a Kanzi application that runs on EGL-supported platforms. Use the command line to list EGL configurations available for your Kanzi application.

Keep in mind that when you set the EGL graphics format ID, you override the EGL graphics format settings.

You can set the EGL format ID for these EGL graphics outputs:

  • Android WS

  • Emscripten

  • X11

In application.cfg

EGLGraphicsFormatID = value

On the command line





Integer value that contains the EGL graphics format ID. By default, a Kanzi application does not set the EGL graphics format ID.

The value that you set on the command line takes priority over the value that you set in application.cfg.

application.cfg example

# Sets the EGL graphics format ID to 1.
EGLGraphicsFormatID = 1

Command line example

# Sets the EGL graphics format ID to 1.
# Lists EGL configurations available for the application.


You can set the EGL context client version for these EGL graphics outputs:

  • Android WS

  • Emscripten

  • Wayland

  • QNX

  • X11

In application.cfg

EGLContextClientVersion = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyEGLContextClientVersion] = value;

On the command line




The EGL context client version that Kanzi tries to use:

application.cfg example

# Sets Kanzi to use ES2 context client version.
EGLContextClientVersion = es2

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets Kanzi to use ES2 context client version.
configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyEGLContextClientVersion] = "es2";

Command line example

# Sets Kanzi to use ES2 context client version.

Input handling

You can define how your application handles touch and pointer input. When you run your application on a device, you can set whether the application reacts to the pointer of the device, uses a touch screen, or both. You can also set the transformation matrix of the input event coordinates.

A Kanzi application handles input by default. To disable input handling in your application, override the Application::setScreenOverride() function with an empty implementation. See Disabling input handling.


You can set the transformation matrix of the input event coordinates. This transformation only affects input event coordinates, not the orientation of the Kanzi application screen. For example, use this to rotate the touch screen in relation to your application screen.

In application.cfg

InputTransform = transformation

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultEventSourceProperties.transformation = transformation;



Transformation matrix of the touch screen.

application.cfg example

# Rotate a touch screen sized 1280x720 pixels by 180 degrees.
InputTransform = -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1280, 720, 1

Application::onConfigure example

// Rotate a touch screen sized 1280x720 pixels by 180 degrees.
configuration.defaultEventSourceProperties.transformation = Matrix3x3::createTranslation(1280.0f, 720.0f) * Matrix3x3::createRotationInDegrees(180.0f);

The examples use this equation to calculate the transformation matrix:

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 1280\\ 0 & 1 & 720\\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} * \begin{bmatrix} cos(\pi) & -sin(\pi) & 0\\ sin(\pi) & cos(\pi) & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} -1 & 0 & 1280\\ 0 & -1 & 720\\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]


You can set how Kanzi translates pointer and touch events.

In application.cfg

InputTranslation = translation

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultEventSourceProperties.translation = translation;



Translation of pointer and touch events.

To not apply any translation:

To translate pointer events to touch events:

To translate pointer events to touch events, and preserve pointer events:

To translate touch events to pointer events:

To translate touch events to pointer events, and preserve touch events:

application.cfg example

# Translate pointer events to touch events.
InputTranslation = pointertotouch

Application::onConfigure example

// Translate pointer events to touch events.
configuration.defaultEventSourceProperties.translation = TranslatePointerToTouch;


You can set whether the application reacts to the pointer of the device.

In application.cfg

InputDiscardPointer = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultEventSourceProperties.discardPointerEvents = value;




Do not ignore pointer input. Default value.


Ignore pointer input.

application.cfg example

# Ignore pointer input.
InputDiscardPointer = 1

Application::onConfigure example

// Ignore pointer input.
configuration.defaultEventSourceProperties.discardPointerEvents = 1;


You can set whether the application reacts to touch input.

In application.cfg

InputDiscardTouch = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultEventSourceProperties.discardTouchEvents = value;




Do not ignore touch input. Default value.


Ignore touch input.

application.cfg example

# Ignore touch input.
InputDiscardTouch = 1

Application::onConfigure example

// Ignore touch input.
configuration.defaultEventSourceProperties.discardTouchEvents = 1;

Input event devices on Linux

You can configure the input event devices that Kanzi listens to on Linux ports where the native windowing system does not provide input device handling.

This way Kanzi can listen to events directly from the input event devices provided by the operating system.

For example, in Vivante fbdev and WSEGL ports you can configure the input event devices that Kanzi listens to. In X11 and Wayland ports the native windowing system handles input devices.

Kanzi by default listens to all input event devices named eventN, where N is an integer, in the /dev/input directory.

In application.cfg

InputEventDevice = path

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.defaultEventSourceProperties.inputEventDevice = path;



Full path to one or more input event devices. Separate a list of several paths with a semicolon.

application.cfg example

# Listens to events from one input event device.
InputEventDevice = "/dev/input/event1"
# Listens to events from two input event devices.
InputEventDevice = "/dev/input/event0;/dev/input/event1"
# Disables listening to events from input event devices.
InputEventDevice = "none"

Application::onConfigure example

// Listens to events from one input event device.
configuration.defaultEventSourceProperties.inputEventDevice = "/dev/input/event1";
// Listens to events from two input event devices.
configuration.defaultEventSourceProperties.inputEventDevice = "/dev/input/event0;/dev/input/event1";
// Disables listening to events from input event devices.
configuration.defaultEventSourceProperties.inputEventDevice = "none";

Wayland configuration

When you use Kanzi on Wayland, you can configure Wayland-specific parameters.

Wayland shell

You can set which Wayland shell Kanzi uses.

In application.cfg

WaylandShell = shell

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandShell] = shell;

On the command line




Shell that Kanzi tries to use:

application.cfg example

# Sets Kanzi to use the IVI shell.
WaylandShell = ivi

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets Kanzi to use the IVI shell.
configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandShell] = "ivi";

Command line example

# Sets Kanzi to use the IVI shell.

Wayland input mode

If you do not want to wait for the pointer and touch frame() events, you can set Kanzi to process input events immediately.

In application.cfg

WaylandInputMode = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandInputMode] = value;

On the command line




Wayland input mode that Kanzi tries to use:

application.cfg example

# Enable immediate input mode.
WaylandInputMode = immediate

Application::onConfigure example

// Enable immediate input mode.
configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandInputMode] = "immediate";

Command line example

# Enable immediate input mode.

Wayland IVI surface ID

When you use the Wayland IVI shell, you can set which IVI surface ID Kanzi uses.

In application.cfg

WaylandIviSurfaceId = id

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviSurfaceId] = id;

On the command line




The IVI surface ID that Kanzi tries to use.

application.cfg example

# Sets IVI surface ID to 4000.
WaylandIviSurfaceId = 4000

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets IVI surface ID to 4000.
configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviSurfaceId] = 4000;

Command line example

# Sets IVI surface ID to 4000.

Wayland IVI extension configuration

When you use COVESA IVI extension and have Kanzi built with IVI extension support, you can control Kanzi by setting various IVI parameters.

Wayland IVI layer ID

Kanzi requires a dedicated IVI layer to display its content. You can set which IVI layer Kanzi uses.

In application.cfg

WaylandIviLayerId = id

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviLayerId] = id;

On the command line




The IVI layer ID that Kanzi tries to use.

application.cfg example

# Sets IVI layer ID to 4000.
WaylandIviLayerId = 4000

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets IVI layer ID to 4000.
configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviLayerId] = 4000;

Command line example

# Sets IVI layer ID to 4000.

Wayland IVI surface opacity

You can set the Kanzi IVI surface opacity.

In application.cfg

WaylandIviSurfaceOpacity = opacity

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviSurfaceOpacity] = opacity;

On the command line




Opacity of the IVI surface that Kanzi uses, in the range 0..1:

  • 1 sets the surface to be fully opaque. Default value.

  • 0 sets the surface to be fully transparent.

application.cfg example

# Sets the IVI surface to be fully transparent.
WaylandIviSurfaceOpacity = 0

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets the IVI surface to be fully transparent.
configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviSurfaceOpacity] = 0;

Command line example

# Sets the IVI surface to be fully transparent.

Wayland IVI layer opacity

You can set the Kanzi IVI layer opacity.

In application.cfg

WaylandIviLayerOpacity = opacity

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviLayerOpacity] = opacity;

On the command line




Opacity of the IVI layer that Kanzi uses, in the range 0..1:

  • 1 sets the layer to be fully opaque. Default value.

  • 0 sets the layer to be fully transparent.

application.cfg example

# Sets the IVI layer to be fully transparent.
WaylandIviLayerOpacity = 0

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets the IVI layer to be fully transparent.
configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviLayerOpacity] = 0;

Command line example

# Sets the IVI layer to be fully transparent.

Wayland IVI surface visibility

You can set the Kanzi IVI surface visibility.

In application.cfg

WaylandIviSurfaceVisibility = visibility

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviSurfaceVisibility] = visibility;

On the command line




Visibility of the IVI surface that Kanzi uses:

  • 1 makes the Kanzi IVI surface visible. Default value.

  • 0 hides the Kanzi IVI surface.

application.cfg example

# Hides the Kanzi IVI surface.
WaylandIviSurfaceVisibility = 0

Application::onConfigure example

// Hides the Kanzi IVI surface.
configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviSurfaceVisibility] = 0;

Command line example

# Hides the Kanzi IVI surface.

Wayland IVI layer visibility

You can set the Kanzi IVI layer visibility.

In application.cfg

WaylandIviLayerVisibility = visibility

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviLayerVisibility] = visibility;

On the command line




Visibility of the IVI layer that Kanzi uses:

  • 1 makes the Kanzi IVI layer visible. Default value.

  • 0 hides the Kanzi IVI layer.

application.cfg example

# Hides the Kanzi IVI layer.
WaylandIviLayerVisibility = 0

Application::onConfigure example

// Hides the Kanzi IVI layer.
configuration.systemConfiguration[ConfigurationKeyWaylandIviLayerVisibility] = 0;

Command line example

# Hides the Kanzi IVI layer.

Image loading

Kanzi uses third-party image libraries, such as libpng and libjpeg, to support different image formats. To make your Kanzi application more secure, you can set limits for Kanzi to use when loading images using these libraries. For example, to prevent the loading of malicious files, you can limit the amount of memory to allocate for each object that Kanzi loads.


You can set the maximum amount of memory in bytes to allocate for each JPEG object that Kanzi loads using the libjpeg image library.

In application.cfg

LibJPEGMaxMemory = bytes

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.imageLoad.libJPEGMaxMemory = bytes;



The maximum number of bytes to allocate for a JPEG object in libjpeg.

Kanzi passes this value to the libjpeg jpeg_memory_mgr::max_memory_to_use parameter. This value affects only the space used for virtual-array buffers and is not a guaranteed maximum but merely advisory.

The default value 0 sets no limit on the amount of memory to allocate.

application.cfg example

# Sets the libjpeg memory allocation limit to 2 MB (2,000,000 bytes).
LibJPEGMaxMemory = 2000000

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets the libjpeg memory allocation limit to 2 MB (2,000,000 bytes).
configuration.imageLoad.libJPEGMaxMemory = 2000000;


You can set the maximum number of ancillary chunks in a PNG datastream and the maximum amount of memory in bytes to allocate for a chunk that Kanzi loads using the libpng image library.

By default Kanzi uses these limits imposed by libpng:

  • Maximum total of 1000 sPLT, tEXt, iTXt, zTXt, and unknown ancillary chunks.

  • Maximum of 8 megabytes of memory to allocate for a chunk other than IDAT.

In application.cfg

LibPNGChunkCacheMax = chunks

LibPNGChunkMallocMax = bytes

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.imageLoad.libPNGChunkCacheMax = chunks;

configuration.imageLoad.libPNGChunkMallocMax = bytes;



The maximum number of ancillary chunks stored by libpng.

Kanzi passes this value to the libpng png_set_chunk_cache_max() function.


The maximum amount of memory in bytes that a chunk other than IDAT can occupy.

Kanzi passes this value to the libpng png_set_chunk_malloc_max() function.

application.cfg example

# Sets the libpng limit for the number of ancillary chunks to 500.
LibPNGChunkCacheMax = 500
# Sets the libpng limit for the amount of memory that a chunk
# other than IDAT can occupy to 2 MB (2,000,000 bytes).
LibPNGChunkMallocMax = 2000000

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets the libpng limit for the number of ancillary chunks to 500.
configuration.imageLoad.libPNGChunkCacheMax = 500;
// Sets the libpng limit for the amount of memory that a chunk
// other than IDAT can occupy to 2 MB (2,000,000 bytes).
configuration.imageLoad.libPNGChunkMallocMax = 2000000;

Shader binary cache

On performance-constrained platforms, shader compilations can considerably slow down the application startup and decrease runtime performance. If your platform does not offer offline shader compilation tools, you can use a shader binary cache primed with the set of shaders that your application requires. This way, your application does not have to compile shaders from source at runtime.

See Using binary shaders.


You can set the directory where you want your Kanzi application to cache shader binaries. At the time of caching, this directory must be writable. For production purposes, you can make the directory read-only. See ShaderBinaryCacheReadOnly.

To enable the caching of shader binaries, use the ShaderBinaryCacheEnabled setting.

In application.cfg

ShaderBinaryCacheDirectory = path

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.shaderBinaryCacheDirectory = path;



The path to the cache directory for shader binaries. You can use an absolute path or a relative path from the working directory of your application.

application.cfg example

# Sets the shader binary cache directory to /tmp/shader-cache/.
ShaderBinaryCacheDirectory = "/tmp/shader-cache/"

Application::onConfigure example

// Sets the shader binary cache directory to /tmp/shader-cache/.
configuration.shaderBinaryCacheDirectory = "/tmp/shader-cache/";


You can set your application to cache shader binaries. Use this to optimize Kanzi application performance on platforms where offline shader compilation tools are not available.

The caching of shader binaries requires that Kanzi Studio exports the source code of the shaders to the kzb file. In Kanzi Studio, in the Project > Properties, make sure that the Export Shader Source Code property is enabled. This is the default value.

In application.cfg

ShaderBinaryCacheEnabled = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.shaderBinaryCacheEnabled = value;



Cache shader binaries.


Do not cache shader binaries. Default value.

application.cfg example

# Enables the caching of shader binaries.
ShaderBinaryCacheEnabled = true

Application::onConfigure example

// Enables the caching of shader binaries.
configuration.shaderBinaryCacheEnabled = true;


By default, Kanzi stores in the filename of a cached shader binary only a hash of the shader source code. Kanzi then compares that hash to a hash value derived from the requested shader source. Hash collisions, which are rare but possible, result in the use of the wrong shader.

To guard against hash collisions, you can set your application to store the shader source code and perform a full string comparison to make sure that the shaders are identical. If two shaders produce the same hash value, the application logs a warning.

To save disk space and optimize performance, enable the hash collision checks only during development.

In application.cfg

ShaderBinaryCacheCollisionCheck = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.shaderBinaryCacheCollisionCheck = value;



Check for hash collisions in cached shaders.

Use this only during development.


Do not check for hash collisions in cached shaders. Default value.

application.cfg example

# Enables checking for hash collisions in cached shaders.
ShaderBinaryCacheCollisionCheck = true

Application::onConfigure example

// Enables checking for hash collisions in cached shaders.
configuration.shaderBinaryCacheCollisionCheck = true;


By default, Kanzi can write to the shader binary cache. When your application is ready for production, you can make the shader binary cache read-only.

In application.cfg

ShaderBinaryCacheReadOnly = value

In Application::onConfigure

configuration.ShaderBinaryCacheReadOnly = value;



Make the shader binary cache directory read-only.

You can use this when your application is ready for production.


Make the shader binary cache directory writable. Default value.

application.cfg example

# Makes the shader binary cache read-only.
ShaderBinaryCacheReadOnly = true

Application::onConfigure example

// Makes the shader binary cache read-only.
configuration.ShaderBinaryCacheReadOnly = true;

See also

Application development

Best practices

Loading resources in parallel

Kzb files