Finding invalid project items

Kanzi Studio marks invalid items in the Node Tree and Library with red type.

For example:

  • A node contains an invalid binding.

  • A resource uses a resource that does not exist or is missing a required property.

  • A material type has precision mismatches in its shaders.

  • A shader source file contains errors.

You can find the invalid project items and the reasons they are invalid in these ways:

  • Inspect invalid items in the Node Tree or Library.

    To see why a project item is invalid, hover over its name. The tooltip shows the reason the item is invalid.

  • Print invalid items to the Log.

    To print to the Log window a list of all invalid items in your project and the reasons they are invalid, in Kanzi Studio in the main menu select Project > Log Invalid Project Items.

    ../../_images/log-invalid-project-items.png ../../_images/invalid-project-items-in-the-log.png


    Kanzi Studio prints the contents of the Log window also to the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\KanziStudioLogs\KanziStudio.log file.

  • Collect invalid project items using a script. See Logging invalid project items using a script.

See also

Logging invalid project items using a script

Analyzing your application in the Preview

Troubleshooting the performance of your application

Troubleshooting bindings