CGraveyard.PhantomRef.Action | |
►CActionBaseMetadata | Metadata definitions for ActionBase |
►CActionBase | Base abstraction class for Action classes |
►CAction | Actions are small operations that Kanzi executes when the trigger event that contains that action occurs and the trigger conditions are met |
►CForwardingAction | ForwardingAction is the base class for the action classes that read and send arguments, such as SetPropertyAction or DispatchMessageAction |
CDispatchMessageAction | DispatchMessageAction dispatches a message of specified type to a specified target |
CSetPropertyAction | SetPropertyAction sets the value of a property of a target node based on: |
CWriteLogAction | Use the WriteLogAction class to attach logging functionality to a trigger |
CMoveFocusAction | This action invokes the FocusManager.tryMoveFocus() method |
CTrySetFocusAction | Use the TrySetFocusAction action to transfer focus to any focusable item in a node tree |
►CApplyAction | Base abstraction for Actions for DataTrigger, such as ForwardingApplyAction and ApplyActivationAction |
CApplyActivationAction | An ApplyActivationAction keeps an Activity node activated for as long as the condition is met in a DataTrigger that contains this action |
►CForwardingApplyAction | ForwardingApplyAction is the base class for the ApplyAction classes that read and send an argument, such as ApplyPropertyAction |
CApplyPropertyAction | An ApplyPropertyAction sets a property to the requested value for as long as the condition is met in the DataTrigger that sets off this action |
►CActionMetadata | Metadata definitions for Action |
CAction | Actions are small operations that Kanzi executes when the trigger event that contains that action occurs and the trigger conditions are met |
►CForwardingActionMetadata | Metadata definitions for ForwardingAction |
CForwardingAction | ForwardingAction is the base class for the action classes that read and send arguments, such as SetPropertyAction or DispatchMessageAction |
►CDispatchMessageActionMetadata | Metadata definitions for DispatchMessageAction |
CDispatchMessageAction | DispatchMessageAction dispatches a message of specified type to a specified target |
►CSetPropertyActionMetadata | Metadata definitions for SetPropertyAction |
CSetPropertyAction | SetPropertyAction sets the value of a property of a target node based on: |
►CWriteLogActionMetadata | Metadata definitions for WriteLogAction |
CWriteLogAction | Use the WriteLogAction class to attach logging functionality to a trigger |
►CMoveFocusActionMetadata | Metadata definitions for MoveFocusAction |
CMoveFocusAction | This action invokes the FocusManager.tryMoveFocus() method |
►CTrySetFocusActionMetadata | Metadata definitions for TrySetFocusAction |
CTrySetFocusAction | Use the TrySetFocusAction action to transfer focus to any focusable item in a node tree |
►CApplyActionMetadata | Metadata definitions for ApplyAction |
CApplyAction | Base abstraction for Actions for DataTrigger, such as ForwardingApplyAction and ApplyActivationAction |
►CApplyActivationActionMetadata | Metadata definitions for ApplyActivationAction |
CApplyActivationAction | An ApplyActivationAction keeps an Activity node activated for as long as the condition is met in a DataTrigger that contains this action |
►CApplyPropertyActionMetadata | Metadata definitions for ApplyPropertyAction |
CApplyPropertyAction | An ApplyPropertyAction sets a property to the requested value for as long as the condition is met in the DataTrigger that sets off this action |
►CActivityConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for ActivityConcept |
►CActivityConcept | Base class for Activity classes |
CActivity2D | An Activity is a part of application UI that is responsible for a task |
CActivity3D | An Activity is a part of application UI that is responsible for a task |
►CActivity2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Activity2D |
CActivity2D | An Activity is a part of application UI that is responsible for a task |
►CActivity3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Activity3D |
CActivity3D | An Activity is a part of application UI that is responsible for a task |
►CActivityElementMetadata | Metadata definitions for ActivityElement |
CActivity2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Activity2D |
CActivity3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Activity3D |
►CActivityHostConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for ActivityHostConcept |
►CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2D |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2D | A type of Exclusive Activity Host node, that uses a list of Activity nodes provided by setting a list DataObject, from a DataSource, to the ActivitySourceProperty property |
►CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3D |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3D | A type of Exclusive Activity Host node, that uses a list of Activity nodes provided by setting a list DataObject, from a DataSource, to the ActivitySourceProperty property |
►CExclusiveActivityHost2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ExclusiveActivityHost2D |
CExclusiveActivityHost2D | An Activity Host that displays Activity nodes one at a time |
►CExclusiveActivityHost3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ExclusiveActivityHost3D |
CExclusiveActivityHost3D | An Activity Host that displays Activity nodes one at a time |
►CParallelActivityHost2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ParallelActivityHost2D |
CParallelActivityHost2D | An Activity Host that can display multiple Activity nodes at a time |
►CParallelActivityHost3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ParallelActivityHost3D |
CParallelActivityHost3D | An Activity Host that can display multiple Activity nodes at a time |
CAssert | A class that can be used to analyze the correctness of the program's behavior |
►CAutoCloseable | |
CObjectRef< ObjectType extends KanziObject > | The ObjectRef class is used to store an owning reference to a com.rightware.kanzi.KanziObject instance |
CProfileScope | The ProfileScope is used to trace a scope in the Kanzi profiler |
CResourceManager.LoadTask | Load task allows implementing custom asynchronous resource loading |
CResourceManager.ProtocolHandler.Result | Holds the result of ProtocolHandler handle callback |
CBindingBuilder | Use BindingBuilder to create bindings |
►CBindingProcessorMetadata | Metadata definitions for BindingProcessor |
►CBindingProcessor | Binding processor |
►CCallbackBindingProcessorProxy | Callback processor |
CCallbackBindingProcessor | Callback processor |
►CInstructionBindingProcessor | Instruction binding processor is the top-level class for all instruction-like binding processors |
CAnimationBindingProcessor | Animation binding processor executes an animation and calculates the value for use in expression bindings |
CRangeAccumulateBindingProcessor | Runs a binary operation for each value in a range in sequence |
CRangeBindingProcessor | Range binding processor is a binding processor for accessing properties from property objects in ranges |
CResourceBindingProcessor | Resource binding processor creates a resource reference that is used to resolve a string into a resource |
►CCallbackBindingProcessorMetadata | Metadata definitions for CallbackBindingProcessor |
CCallbackBindingProcessorProxy | Callback processor |
CExpressionBindingProcessorMetadata | Metadata definitions for ExpressionBindingProcessor |
►CInstructionBindingProcessorMetadata | Metadata definitions for InstructionBindingProcessor |
CInstructionBindingProcessor | Instruction binding processor is the top-level class for all instruction-like binding processors |
►CAnimationBindingProcessorMetadata | Metadata definitions for AnimationBindingProcessor |
CAnimationBindingProcessor | Animation binding processor executes an animation and calculates the value for use in expression bindings |
►CRangeAccumulateBindingProcessorMetadata | Metadata definitions for RangeAccumulateBindingProcessor |
CRangeAccumulateBindingProcessor | Runs a binary operation for each value in a range in sequence |
►CResourceBindingProcessorMetadata | Metadata definitions for ResourceBindingProcessor |
CResourceBindingProcessor | Resource binding processor creates a resource reference that is used to resolve a string into a resource |
►CRangeBindingProcessorMetadata | Metadata definitions for RangeBindingProcessor |
CRangeBindingProcessor | Range binding processor is a binding processor for accessing properties from property objects in ranges |
►CBlurEffect2DEnums | |
►CBlurEffect2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for BlurEffect2D |
CBlurEffect2D | Use BlurEffect2D to apply a Gaussian blur post-processing effect to 2D nodes |
►CButtonConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for ButtonConcept |
►CButton2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Button2D |
CButton2D | Use the Button 2D node to create a 2D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a key |
►CButton3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Button3D |
CButton3D | Use the Button 3D node to create a 3D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a key |
►CToggleButton2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ToggleButton2D |
CToggleButton2D | Use the Toggle Button 2D node to create a 2D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a keyboard key, and that has multiple toggle states |
►CToggleButton3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ToggleButton3D |
CToggleButton3D | Use the Toggle Button 3D node to create a 3D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a keyboard key, and that has multiple toggle states |
CCallbackBindingProcessor.Callback | Interface for a callback which validates the received value |
CResourceManager.AcquireTask.Callback | Callback interface to indicate that resource loading is finished |
►CCameraEnums | |
►CCameraMetadata | Metadata definitions for Camera |
CCamera | Use a Camera to define the view transform to use to render a 3D Scene |
►CClickConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for ClickConcept |
CButton2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Button2D |
CButton3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Button3D |
►CListBoxItemContainer2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ListBoxItemContainer2D |
CListBoxItemContainer2D | List Box Item Container for 2D List Box nodes |
►CListBoxItemContainer3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ListBoxItemContainer3D |
CListBoxItemContainer3D | List Box Item Container for 3D List Box nodes |
CToggleButton2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ToggleButton2D |
CToggleButton3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ToggleButton3D |
CColorRGBA | Color with 4 floating point components: red, green, blue and alpha (r, g, b, a) |
CCodeBehind.CommandHandler | CommandHandler implements a handler for a command |
►CCommandMetadata | Metadata definitions for Command |
CCommand | Command class defines property and message types used in implementation of commands |
►CConditionMetadata | Metadata definitions for Condition |
CCondition | Condition for triggers |
CExpressionConditionMetadata | Metadata definitions for ExpressionCondition |
►CConstraintsEnums | |
►CConstraintsMetadata | Metadata definitions for Constraints |
CConstraints | Contains property types of Constraints |
►CContentLayoutConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for ContentLayoutConcept |
►CContentLayout2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ContentLayout2D |
►CContentLayout2D | Use the Content Layout 2D node to present content in a 2D UI control as a single item |
CActivity2D | An Activity is a part of application UI that is responsible for a task |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2D | A type of Exclusive Activity Host node, that uses a list of Activity nodes provided by setting a list DataObject, from a DataSource, to the ActivitySourceProperty property |
CExclusiveActivityHost2D | An Activity Host that displays Activity nodes one at a time |
CListBoxItemContainer2D | List Box Item Container for 2D List Box nodes |
CParallelActivityHost2D | An Activity Host that can display multiple Activity nodes at a time |
CActivity2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Activity2D |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2D |
CExclusiveActivityHost2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ExclusiveActivityHost2D |
CListBoxItemContainer2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ListBoxItemContainer2D |
CParallelActivityHost2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ParallelActivityHost2D |
►CContentLayout3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ContentLayout3D |
►CContentLayout3D | The measured dimensions of the Content Layout 3D are determined by the combined maximum dimensions of its items |
CActivity3D | An Activity is a part of application UI that is responsible for a task |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3D | A type of Exclusive Activity Host node, that uses a list of Activity nodes provided by setting a list DataObject, from a DataSource, to the ActivitySourceProperty property |
CExclusiveActivityHost3D | An Activity Host that displays Activity nodes one at a time |
CListBoxItemContainer3D | List Box Item Container for 3D List Box nodes |
CParallelActivityHost3D | An Activity Host that can display multiple Activity nodes at a time |
CActivity3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Activity3D |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3D |
CExclusiveActivityHost3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ExclusiveActivityHost3D |
CListBoxItemContainer3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ListBoxItemContainer3D |
CParallelActivityHost3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ParallelActivityHost3D |
CTextureEnums.CreateInfo | |
►CDataContextMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataContext |
►CDataContext | DataContext acts as a container for data |
►CDataObject | DataObject is a node in a tree of data |
CDataObjectBool | DataObjectBool is a specialization of DataObject for data of Boolean type |
CDataObjectInt | DataObjectInt is a specialization of DataObject for data of Integer type |
CDataObjectList | DataObjectList is a specialization of DataObject for list data |
CDataObjectReal | DataObjectReal is a specialization of DataObject for data of Double type |
CDataObjectString | DataObjectString is a specialization of DataObject for data of String type |
CDataSource | Use data sources to separate the user interface from the application data and to remove the dependencies between a Kanzi Studio project and the application code which define the Kanzi application |
►CDataObjectMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataObject |
CDataObject | DataObject is a node in a tree of data |
►CDataObjectBoolMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataObjectBool |
CDataObjectBool | DataObjectBool is a specialization of DataObject for data of Boolean type |
►CDataObjectIntMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataObjectInt |
CDataObjectInt | DataObjectInt is a specialization of DataObject for data of Integer type |
►CDataObjectListMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataObjectList |
CDataObjectList | DataObjectList is a specialization of DataObject for list data |
►CDataObjectRealMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataObjectReal |
CDataObjectReal | DataObjectReal is a specialization of DataObject for data of Double type |
►CDataObjectStringMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataObjectString |
CDataObjectString | DataObjectString is a specialization of DataObject for data of String type |
►CDataSourceMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataSource |
CDataSource | Use data sources to separate the user interface from the application data and to remove the dependencies between a Kanzi Studio project and the application code which define the Kanzi application |
►CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHostConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHostConcept |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2D |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3D |
►CNodeComponent.DirectorInterface | |
►CCodeBehind.DirectorInterface | |
CActivityCodeBehind.DirectorInterface | |
►CDispatchMessageActionEnums | |
CDispatchMessageActionMetadata | Metadata definitions for DispatchMessageAction |
►CDockLayoutConceptEnums | |
►CDockLayoutConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for DockLayoutConcept |
►CDockLayout2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DockLayout2D |
CDockLayout2D | Use the Dock Layout 2D node to place nodes relative to each other along the sides of a Dock Layout 2D node |
►CDockLayout3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DockLayout3D |
CDockLayout3D | Use the Dock Layout 3D node to place nodes relative to each other along the sides of a Dock Layout 3D node |
CDomain | Domain binds Kanzi subsystems and objects together |
CDomainMetadata | Metadata definitions for Domain |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.ActivityConceptMetadata.ActivityPrefabMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
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CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
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CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.NodeComponentMetadata.NodeComponentSourceMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.PageMetadata.NavigateNextMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.PageMetadata.NavigatePreviousMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.PageMetadata.NavigationFinishedMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.PageMetadata.NavigationStartedMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextBoxMetadata.DeleteSelectionMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextBoxMetadata.ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextInputConceptMetadata.CursorMovedMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextInputConceptMetadata.InputMethodActionMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextInputConceptMetadata.InputMethodAvailableChangedMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextInputConceptMetadata.InputMethodsDisconnectedMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextInputConceptMetadata.InputTypeChangedMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextInputConceptMetadata.ReadOnlyStateChangedMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextInputConceptMetadata.SelectionChangedMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextInputConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.TextInputConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicMessageType< > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.ActivityStatus > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.AnimationEasingMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.BlurEffect2DEnums.Quality > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.CachingMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.CameraEnums.OrthogonalCoordinateSystem > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.CameraEnums.ProjectionType > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.ColorRGBA > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.ConstraintsEnums.FaceToCameraMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.DispatchMessageActionEnums.DispatchMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.DockLayoutConceptEnums.DockingSide > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.EchoMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.EffectStack2DEnums.StackingMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.ExclusiveActivityHostConceptEnums.ExclusiveActivityHostFocusingPolicy > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.FocusChainDirection > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.FocusOnPress > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.FocusScopeType > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.FocusState > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.FontHintingPreference > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.FontStyle > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.FontWeight > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.GraphicsColorWriteMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.GraphicsCompareFunction > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.GraphicsCullMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.GraphicsFormat > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.GraphicsStencilOperation > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.GridLayoutConceptEnums.GridDirection > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.GridListBoxConceptEnums.GridDirection > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.InputMethodAction > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.InputType > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.KeyModifier > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.KzuExpressionValidatorOperation > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.KzuPropertyBinaryTargetAttribute > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.KzuTimeLineEntryPlaybackMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.KzuViewportCoordinateType > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.LayoutDirection > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.LegacyRenderPassEnums.InvalidateAttachments > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.LevelOfDetail3DEnums.LODType > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.LogicalKey > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.MaskEffect2DEnums.Channel > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.MaskEffect2DEnums.HorizontalAlignment > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.MaskEffect2DEnums.Stretch > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.MaskEffect2DEnums.VerticalAlignment > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.Matrix4x4 > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.Matrix4x4Enums.FieldOfViewType > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.MessageRouting > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.MultisampleCount > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.Node2DEnums.ForegroundHint > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.Node2DEnums.PerspectiveTransformationMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.Node2DEnums.PixelFormat > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.NodeEnums.ContentStretch > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.NodeEnums.DepthAlignment > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.NodeEnums.HorizontalAlignment > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.NodeEnums.VerticalAlignment > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.OutlineEffect2DEnums.OutlineMethod > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.PageTransitionCollectionEnums.Transition.AnimationTarget > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.PageTransitionCollectionEnums.Transition.Direction > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.ParallelActivityHostConceptEnums.ParallelActivityHostFocusingPolicy > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.PipelineStateRenderPassEnums.ViewportMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.PropertyField > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.PropertyTargetEasingInterpolatorEnums.EasingFunction > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.PropertyTargetEasingTimelineEnums.InterpolationIfInterruptedMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.Resource > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.SamplerAddressingMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.SamplerFilter > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.SamplerMipmapMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.ScreenEnums.WindowMetricsType > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.ScrollViewConceptEnums.AllowedScrollAxis > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.SelectionBehavior > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.ShadowEffect2DEnums.Quality > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.ShadowEffect2DEnums.Type > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.SRTValue2D > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.SRTValue3D > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.TextBoxConceptEnums.EditMode > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.TextFormatEnums.TextHorizontalAlignment > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.TextFormatEnums.TextVerticalAlignment > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.TextFormatEnums.Truncation > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.TextFormatEnums.TruncationDirection > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.TextKeyNavigationDirection > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.ValueAccumulatorBaseEnums.BoundType > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.Vector2 > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.Vector3 > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.Vector4 > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< com.rightware.kanzi.WindowOrientation > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< Float > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< Integer > | |
CDynamicPropertyType< String > | |
CEditorInfo | Editor information for metadata |
CEditorInfoAttribute | Editor information attribute for custom editor information for metadata |
►CEffectStack2DEnums | |
►CEffectStack2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for EffectStack2D |
CEffectStack2D | Use EffectStack2D to apply multiple post-processing effects to 2D nodes |
►CEnum | Base class of Kanzi enumerations which support conversion to and from integer values |
CActivityStatus | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.ActivityConcept.Status" |
CAnimationEasingMode | Easing mode to use to apply an easing function |
CBindingExpressionArgumentType | Runtime expression validator argument type |
CBlurEffect2DEnums.Quality | Defines the visual quality levels of the blur effect |
CCachingMode | Caching modes for nodes |
CCameraEnums.OrthogonalCoordinateSystem | Specifies the available orthogonal coordinate systems |
CCameraEnums.ProjectionType | Specifies the available camera projection types |
CColorWorkflow | The Color Workflow for an application |
CConstraintsEnums.FaceToCameraMode | Specifies the options for setting a 3D node to turn towards a camera |
CDataObjectType | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.DataObject.Type" |
CDispatchMessageActionEnums.DispatchMode | Dispatch mode type |
CDockLayoutConceptEnums.DockingSide | Docking side of dock layout item |
CEchoMode | Echo modes that specify how to format the display text in a TextEditBuffer |
CEffectStack2DEnums.StackingMode | Defines the stacking modes you can apply to child effects |
CExclusiveActivityHostConceptEnums.ExclusiveActivityHostFocusingPolicy | Specifies the focusing policy that Kanzi applies to an activating Activity in an Exclusive Activity Host |
CFlowLayoutConceptEnums.LayoutDirection | Direction (or axis) of the layout, used in both primary and secondary direction |
CFocusChainDirection | Specifies the directions of focus move |
CFocusOnPress | Focus behavior on node press |
CFocusScopeType | Specifies focus scope types |
CFocusState | Specifies the focus states of a node |
CFontHintingPreference | Font hinting options |
CFontStyle | Font style options |
CFontWeight | Font weight options |
CGPUResourceMemoryType | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.GPUResource.MemoryType" |
CGraphicsColorWriteMode | List of color write modes |
CGraphicsCompareFunction | Renderer stencil modes |
CGraphicsCullMode | List of available cull modes |
CGraphicsFormat | GraphicsFormat specifies format of graphics data used for example in textures and vertex attributes |
CGraphicsStencilOperation | Renderer stencil operations |
CGridLayoutConceptEnums.GridDirection | Direction of layout of grid layout |
CGridListBoxConceptEnums.GridDirection | |
CInputMethodAction | Specifies the available input method actions |
CInputType | The input type used by the input method listener |
CKeyModifier | Key modifier flags |
CKeyState | Indicates the states of a hardware key |
CKzuExpressionValidatorOperation | Expression operation |
CKzuPropertyBinaryTargetAttribute | Binding property field (binary file) |
CKzuTimeLineEntryPlaybackMode | Playback type of the timeline |
CKzuViewportCoordinateType | Enumeration for viewport coordinate unit type (exact pixel coordinates / percentages from window) |
CLayoutDirection | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.StackLayoutConcept.LayoutDirection" |
CLegacyRenderPassEnums.InvalidateAttachments | RenderTargetTexture attachments to invalidate after Renderpass |
CLevelOfDetail3DEnums.LODType | Level of detail node selector types |
CLogicalKey | Platform independent key enumeration |
CMaskEffect2DEnums.Channel | Defines the mask texture channels that you can use as the mask |
CMaskEffect2DEnums.HorizontalAlignment | Defines the horizontal alignment modes |
CMaskEffect2DEnums.Stretch | Defines the stretch modes |
CMaskEffect2DEnums.VerticalAlignment | Defines the vertical alignment modes |
CMatrix4x4Enums.FieldOfViewType | Field of view type of a camera |
CMemoryStrategy | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.ResourceManager.MemoryStrategy" |
CMessageRouting | Message routing modes |
CMultisampleCount | Specifies the available numbers of samples for multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) |
CNode2DEnums.ForegroundHint | Hint for foreground handling of nodes |
CNode2DEnums.PerspectiveTransformationMode | Node2D perspective transformation mode |
CNode2DEnums.PixelFormat | Pixel formats |
CNodeComponentState | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.NodeComponent.State" |
CNodeEnums.ContentStretch | Content stretch option |
CNodeEnums.DepthAlignment | Depth alignment options |
CNodeEnums.HorizontalAlignment | Horizontal alignment options |
CNodeEnums.VerticalAlignment | Vertical alignment options |
COutlineEffect2DEnums.OutlineMethod | Specifies the available outline calculation methods |
CPageTransitionCollectionEnums.Transition.AnimationTarget | Defines target for animation |
CPageTransitionCollectionEnums.Transition.Direction | Enumeration that describes the direction of the transition |
CParallelActivityHostConceptEnums.ParallelActivityHostFocusingPolicy | Specifies the focusing policy that Kanzi applies to an activating Activity in a Parallel Activity Host |
CPipelineStateRenderPassEnums.ViewportMode | |
CPointerButton | Pointer device button identifiers |
CPointerState | Indicates the states of a pointing device |
CPropertyDataType | Enumeration of data types that can be stored as properties |
CPropertyField | Property field |
CPropertyNotificationReason | Property notification reason |
CPropertyTargetEasingInterpolatorEnums.EasingFunction | Specifies the easing function for the interpolation animation |
CPropertyTargetEasingTimelineEnums.InterpolationIfInterruptedMode | |
CPropertyTypeChangeFlag | Each property type can have one or more change flags that indicate the effects of changing the value of that property |
CResourceLoadTaskType | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.ResourceManager.LoadTask.Type" |
CSamplerAddressingMode | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.Sampler.AddressingMode" |
CSamplerFilter | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.Sampler.Filter" |
CSamplerMipmapMode | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.Sampler.MipmapMode" |
CScreenEnums.WindowMetricsType | Window metrics enumeration |
CScrollViewConceptEnums.AllowedScrollAxis | Enumeration for AllowedScrollAxisProperty which sets the axis on which
you want to allow a Scroll View node to scroll |
CSelectionBehavior | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.ListBoxConcept.SelectionBehavior" |
CShadowEffect2DEnums.Quality | Defines the visual quality levels of the shadow effect |
CShadowEffect2DEnums.Type | Defines the types of the shadow effect |
CTaskRecurrence | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.MainLoopScheduler.TaskRecurrence" |
CTextBoxConceptEnums.EditMode | The edit modes |
CTextFormatEnums.TextHorizontalAlignment | Horizontal alignment options for text layout |
CTextFormatEnums.TextVerticalAlignment | Vertical alignment options for text layout |
CTextFormatEnums.Truncation | Type of truncation boundary for the text that does not fit in the available space |
CTextFormatEnums.TruncationDirection | Part of the text to truncate, if the text does not fit in the available space |
CTextKeyNavigationDirection | Key navigation directions |
CTextureEnums.CreateInfo.Status | Status tells if texture creation parameters can be used to create a texture |
CTextureType | Texture type |
CTimerRecurrence | Legacy version of enum "kanzi.MainLoopScheduler.TimerRecurrence" |
CTouchPointState | Indicates the states of a touch point |
CTouchState | Indicates the states of touch events |
CTrajectoryEnums.Type | Type of trajectory |
CValueAccumulatorBaseEnums.BoundType | Sets how a Value Accumulator handles the increments when it reaches the limits of the range of increments |
CVariantDataType | Specifies the data types that can be stored as variants |
CWindowOrientation | List of window orientations |
►CException | |
CObjectNotFoundException | Exception class to indicate that an Object was not found |
►CExclusiveActivityHostConceptEnums | |
►CExclusiveActivityHostConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for ExclusiveActivityHostConcept |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2D |
CDataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3D |
CExclusiveActivityHost2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ExclusiveActivityHost2D |
CExclusiveActivityHost3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ExclusiveActivityHost3D |
CFactory | The Factory annotation specifies a factory method to be automatically registered when the containing class is registered to Domain with registerClass or overrideClass |
►CFlowLayoutConceptEnums | |
►CFlowLayoutConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for FlowLayoutConcept |
►CFlowLayout2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for FlowLayout2D |
CFlowLayout2D | Flow Layout 2D arranges 2D items along a line and continues to the next line when it runs out of space |
►CFlowLayout3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for FlowLayout3D |
CFlowLayout3D | Flow Layout 3D arranges 3D items along a line and continues to the next line when it runs out of space |
►CFocusManagerMetadata | Metadata definitions for FocusManager |
CFocusManager | Focus Manager enables you to set and change the key focus between attached nodes |
CFocusScopeCoreMetadata | Metadata definitions for FocusScopeCore |
►CFontStyleConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for FontStyleConcept |
►CTextBlock2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBlock2D |
►CTextBlock2DProxy | Text Block 2D displays a small amount of text in 2D |
CTextBlock2D | Text Block 2D displays text in 2D |
►CTextBlock3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBlock3D |
CTextBlock3D | To render a Text Block 3D node Kanzi: to scale pixels to 3D units |
►CTextBox2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBox2D |
CTextBox2D | TextBox2D provides the required overrides to handle 2D rendering and gesture handling for the 2D text input |
►CTextBox3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBox3D |
CTextBox3D | TextBox3D provides the required overrides to handle 3D rendering and gesture handling for the 3D text input |
►CGridLayoutConceptEnums | |
►CGridLayoutConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridLayoutConcept |
►CGridLayout2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridLayout2D |
CGridLayout2D | |
►CGridLayout3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridLayout3D |
CGridLayout3D | |
►CGridListBoxConceptEnums | |
►CGridListBoxConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridListBoxConcept |
►CGridListBox2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridListBox2D |
►CGridListBox2DProxy | Use the Grid List Box 2D node to create scrollable lists of 2D items arranged in a grid |
CGridListBox2D | Use the Grid List Box 2D node to create scrollable lists of 2D items arranged in a grid |
►CGridListBox3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridListBox3D |
►CGridListBox3DProxy | Use the Grid List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of 3D items arranged in a grid |
CGridListBox3D | Use the Grid List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of 3D items arranged in a grid |
CEnum.Helper | Class for holding static functionalities of Enum class |
►CInputManipulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for InputManipulator |
►CInputManipulator | The base class for the Kanzi input manipulators |
CClickManipulator | Click input manipulator recognizes the click and tap gestures from the incoming touch events |
CDragAndDropManipulator | Drag-and-drop input manipulator recognizes the drag-and-drop gesture from incoming touch events |
CFocusNavigationManipulator | FocusNavigationManipulator converts key gestures into focus chain navigation actions to move the focus between focusable nodes |
CKeyManipulator | KeyManipulator class is a key input manipulator that detects key gestures |
CLongPressManipulator | Long-press input manipulator recognizes the long-press gesture from the incoming touch events |
CMultiClickManipulator | Multi-click input manipulator recognizes multi-click and multi-tap gestures from incoming touch events |
CNavigationManipulator | The NavigationManipulator supports these navigation directions and default keyboard keys for them: |
CPanManipulator | Pan input manipulator recognizes a pan gesture from the incoming touch events |
CPinchManipulator | Pinch input manipulator recognizes the pinch gesture from the incoming touch events |
CTextInputManipulator | The text input manipulator handles key gestures used with TextBox nodes to move the cursor, select text, and delete text, and provides the basics of text editing capabilities in Kanzi |
►CClickManipulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for ClickManipulator |
CClickManipulator | Click input manipulator recognizes the click and tap gestures from the incoming touch events |
►CDragAndDropManipulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for DragAndDropManipulator |
CDragAndDropManipulator | Drag-and-drop input manipulator recognizes the drag-and-drop gesture from incoming touch events |
►CFocusNavigationManipulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for FocusNavigationManipulator |
CFocusNavigationManipulator | FocusNavigationManipulator converts key gestures into focus chain navigation actions to move the focus between focusable nodes |
►CKeyManipulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for KeyManipulator |
CKeyManipulator | KeyManipulator class is a key input manipulator that detects key gestures |
►CLongPressManipulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for LongPressManipulator |
CLongPressManipulator | Long-press input manipulator recognizes the long-press gesture from the incoming touch events |
►CMultiClickManipulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for MultiClickManipulator |
CMultiClickManipulator | Multi-click input manipulator recognizes multi-click and multi-tap gestures from incoming touch events |
►CNavigationManipulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for NavigationManipulator |
CNavigationManipulator | The NavigationManipulator supports these navigation directions and default keyboard keys for them: |
►CPanManipulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for PanManipulator |
CPanManipulator | Pan input manipulator recognizes a pan gesture from the incoming touch events |
►CPinchManipulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for PinchManipulator |
CPinchManipulator | Pinch input manipulator recognizes the pinch gesture from the incoming touch events |
►CTextInputManipulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextInputManipulator |
CTextInputManipulator | The text input manipulator handles key gestures used with TextBox nodes to move the cursor, select text, and delete text, and provides the basics of text editing capabilities in Kanzi |
CKanziVersion | A representation of Kanzi release version |
CKeyboardMetadata | Metadata definitions for Keyboard |
►CLegacyRenderPassEnums | |
►CLegacyRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for LegacyRenderPass |
CLegacyRenderPass | Legacy Render Pass is phased out in favor of specialized render passes that perform individual operations, which are combined in a Legacy Render Pass into a single render pass |
►CLevelOfDetail3DEnums | |
►CLevelOfDetail3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for LevelOfDetail3D |
CLevelOfDetail3D | Level of detail selector node is a 3D node that changes the appearance of its child nodes based on the viewing distance |
►CListBoxConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for ListBoxConcept |
►CListBoxConcept | |
CGridListBox2DProxy | Use the Grid List Box 2D node to create scrollable lists of 2D items arranged in a grid |
CGridListBox3DProxy | Use the Grid List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of 3D items arranged in a grid |
►CTrajectoryListBox3DProxy | Use the Trajectory List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of items arranged along a Trajectory |
CTrajectoryListBox3D | Use a Trajectory List Box 3D to create a scrollable list of content arranged along a trajectory |
CGridListBox2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridListBox2D |
CGridListBox3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridListBox3D |
►CTrajectoryListBox3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TrajectoryListBox3D |
CTrajectoryListBox3DProxy | Use the Trajectory List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of items arranged along a Trajectory |
►CListBoxItemContainerGenerator3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ListBoxItemContainerGenerator3D |
CListBoxItemContainerGenerator3D | |
►CListBoxItemContainerMetadata | Metadata definitions for ListBoxItemContainer |
CListBoxItemContainer2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ListBoxItemContainer2D |
CListBoxItemContainer3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ListBoxItemContainer3D |
►CListBoxItemGenerator2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ListBoxItemGenerator2D |
►CListBoxItemGenerator2D | The ListBoxItemGenerator2D manages a list of items for a 2D List Box |
CDataSourceListItemGenerator2D | |
►CDataSourceListItemGenerator2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataSourceListItemGenerator2D |
CDataSourceListItemGenerator2D | |
►CListBoxItemGenerator3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ListBoxItemGenerator3D |
►CListBoxItemGenerator3D | The ListBoxItemGenerator3D manages a list of items for a 3D List Box |
CDataSourceListItemGenerator3D | |
►CDataSourceListItemGenerator3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataSourceListItemGenerator3D |
CDataSourceListItemGenerator3D | |
►CListBoxScrollingConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for ListBoxScrollingConcept |
CGridListBox2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridListBox2D |
CGridListBox3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridListBox3D |
CTrajectoryListBox3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TrajectoryListBox3D |
CLog | |
CMainLoopScheduler | MainLoopScheduler implements the Kanzi application main loop in form of a sequence of stages, each consisting of a sequence of tasks, where a task is a callable method |
►CMaskEffect2DEnums | |
►CMaskEffect2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for MaskEffect2D |
CMaskEffect2D | Use MaskEffect2D to apply a mask to 2D nodes |
CMatrix3x3 | Matrix with 3x3 elements |
►CMatrix4x4Enums | |
CMatrix4x4 | Matrix with 4x4 elements |
CNode.MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType extends MessageArguments > | Defines the message handler invoked when a node receives a message it listens to |
►CMessageType< MessageArguments > | |
CAbstractMessageType | AbstractMessageType is a handle to an existing message type |
►CMessageType< MessageArgumentsType > | |
CDynamicMessageType< MessageArgumentsType extends MessageArguments > | DynamicMessageType is a handle to an existing message type |
CMetaclassRegistry | A container class for Java metaclasses and proxies |
CMetadata | The Metadata annotation specifies property, message type or nested classes to be automatically registered when the containing class is registered to Domain with registerClass or overrideClass |
►CMetaObjectMetadata | Metadata definitions for MetaObject |
CObjectMetadata | Metadata definitions for Object |
►CMipmapGenerationConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for MipmapGenerationConcept |
►CCompositionTargetRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for CompositionTargetRenderPass |
CCompositionTargetRenderPass | Use the Composition Target Render Pass to set one to four composition targets and render all descendant render passes to the composition targets that the Composition Target Render Pass created |
►CCubeMapRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for CubeMapRenderPass |
CCubeMapRenderPass | Use the Cubemap Render Pass to create a cubemap texture that represents the scene from some location |
CMetaclass.Mode | Enumeration used to track ownership |
CPropertyType< TDataType >.Mode | Enumeration used for constructor overload resolution |
CDataContext.ModifiedSubscriptionFunction | Callback functions for Modified Subscription events |
►CNode2DEnums | |
►CNode2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Node2D |
►CNode2D | Node2D is the base class of all 2D nodes |
CButton2D | Use the Button 2D node to create a 2D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a key |
CContentLayout2D | Use the Content Layout 2D node to present content in a 2D UI control as a single item |
CDockLayout2D | Use the Dock Layout 2D node to place nodes relative to each other along the sides of a Dock Layout 2D node |
CEmptyNode2D | Empty Node 2D can be used to group other 2D nodes |
CFlowLayout2D | Flow Layout 2D arranges 2D items along a line and continues to the next line when it runs out of space |
CGridLayout2D | |
CGridListBox2DProxy | Use the Grid List Box 2D node to create scrollable lists of 2D items arranged in a grid |
►CImage2DProxy | Image2D node |
CImage2D | A class that implements a 2D image UI control |
CNinePatchImage2D | A nine-patch image is a 3x3 grid of images |
►CPage | Use Page nodes to create the structure of an application user interface |
CPageHost | Use a PageHost node to group Page and PageHost nodes, and to manage navigation requests and transitions in a tree of Page nodes under a PageHost node |
CPortalView | Portal node |
CPrefabView2D | Prefab view 2D node |
CScreen | The screen represents the metrics of the target device and acts as the root node for the whole node tree |
CScrollView2D | Use the Scroll View 2D node to create an input plane to enable user input from gestures |
CSlider2D | Use the Slider 2D node as a building block for a 2D UI control that lets the application user change a numerical value using a visual indicator between a minimum and a maximum value |
►CStackLayout2DProxy | Stack Layout 2D arranges its items on a line along the axis you specify in the DirectionProperty |
CStackLayout2D | Stack Layout 2D arranges its items on a line along the axis you specify in the #DirectionProperty |
CTextBlock2DProxy | Text Block 2D displays a small amount of text in 2D |
CTextBox2D | TextBox2D provides the required overrides to handle 2D rendering and gesture handling for the 2D text input |
CToggleButton2D | Use the Toggle Button 2D node to create a 2D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a keyboard key, and that has multiple toggle states |
CToggleButtonGroup2D | Toggle Button Group 2D allows users of your application to select only one option from a set of options that are mutually exclusive |
CTrajectoryLayout2D | Trajectory Layout 2D arranges its items along a trajectory |
►CViewport2DProxy | Use a Viewport 2D to set the size of a render target surface onto which content is projected |
►CViewport2D | Use a Viewport 2D to set the size of a render target surface onto which content is projected |
CProgressiveRenderingViewport2D | Progressive rendering viewport 2D is a viewport which splits rendering its scene across multiple frames |
CButton2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Button2D |
CContentLayout2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ContentLayout2D |
CDockLayout2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DockLayout2D |
►CEmptyNode2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for EmptyNode2D |
CEmptyNode2D | Empty Node 2D can be used to group other 2D nodes |
CFlowLayout2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for FlowLayout2D |
CGridLayout2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridLayout2D |
CGridListBox2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridListBox2D |
►CImage2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Image2D |
CImage2DProxy | Image2D node |
►CNinePatchImage2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for NinePatchImage2D |
CNinePatchImage2D | A nine-patch image is a 3x3 grid of images |
►CPageMetadata | Metadata definitions for Page |
CPage | Use Page nodes to create the structure of an application user interface |
►CPageHostMetadata | Metadata definitions for PageHost |
CPageHost | Use a PageHost node to group Page and PageHost nodes, and to manage navigation requests and transitions in a tree of Page nodes under a PageHost node |
►CPortalViewMetadata | Metadata definitions for PortalView |
CPortalView | Portal node |
►CPrefabView2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for PrefabView2D |
CPrefabView2D | Prefab view 2D node |
►CScreenMetadata | Metadata definitions for Screen |
CScreen | The screen represents the metrics of the target device and acts as the root node for the whole node tree |
►CScrollView2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ScrollView2D |
CScrollView2D | Use the Scroll View 2D node to create an input plane to enable user input from gestures |
►CSlider2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Slider2D |
CSlider2D | Use the Slider 2D node as a building block for a 2D UI control that lets the application user change a numerical value using a visual indicator between a minimum and a maximum value |
►CStackLayout2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for StackLayout2D |
CStackLayout2DProxy | Stack Layout 2D arranges its items on a line along the axis you specify in the DirectionProperty |
CTextBlock2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBlock2D |
CTextBox2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBox2D |
CToggleButton2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ToggleButton2D |
►CToggleButtonGroup2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ToggleButtonGroup2D |
CToggleButtonGroup2D | Toggle Button Group 2D allows users of your application to select only one option from a set of options that are mutually exclusive |
►CTrajectoryLayout2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TrajectoryLayout2D |
CTrajectoryLayout2D | Trajectory Layout 2D arranges its items along a trajectory |
►CViewport2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Viewport2D |
CViewport2DProxy | Use a Viewport 2D to set the size of a render target surface onto which content is projected |
►CProgressiveRenderingViewport2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ProgressiveRenderingViewport2D |
CProgressiveRenderingViewport2D | Progressive rendering viewport 2D is a viewport which splits rendering its scene across multiple frames |
►CNodeComponentMetadata | Metadata definitions for NodeComponent |
►CNodeComponent | NodeComponent is the base class for all node components |
CAnimationPlayer | Use the Animation Player to play back an animation timeline that you set using the TimelineProperty property in that Animation Player |
CClickManipulatorComponent | ClickManipulatorComponent installs a ClickManipulator to a node |
►CCodeBehind | Code Behind is a workflow where you associate code with an instance of a node instead of a type |
CActivityCodeBehind | ActivityCodeBehind is code that is associated with a particular Activity node, and has access to the properties of that Activity node |
►CDataTriggerComponent | Base class for the DataTrigger class |
CDataTrigger | Use a DataTrigger to apply an action to either set a property value of a target node or activate an Activity node |
CKeyManipulatorComponent | The KeyManipulatorComponent node component installs a KeyManipulator to the attached node, and configures the key gesture of the manipulator |
CLongPressManipulatorComponent | LongPressManipulatorComponent installs a LongPressManipulator to a node |
CMultiClickManipulatorComponent | MultiClickManipulatorComponent installs a MultiClickManipulator to a node |
CNavigationManipulatorComponent | The NavigationManipulatorComponent node component installs a NavigationManipulator to a node, and configures the navigation key gestures of the manipulator |
CPanManipulatorComponent | PanManipulatorComponent installs a PanManipulator to a node |
CPropertyDrivenAnimationPlayer | Use Property Driven Animation Player when you want to use a property type to control a keyframe animation |
CPropertyTargetEasingInterpolator | Use a Property Target Easing Interpolator when you want to create a smooth transition between the current value of a property and a value that you set dynamically |
CPropertyTargetInterpolator | Use a Property Target Interpolator when you want to dynamically set the target value of a property and want to interpolate the current value to the target value over time |
►CTrigger | Trigger is the base class for defining events, conditions and actions for content-driven logic programming |
CMessageTrigger | Message handler trigger |
COnAttachedTrigger | On Attached Trigger |
COnPropertyChangedTrigger | Invokes associated actions on setting of a property type, specified by SourcePropertyTypeProperty, on a source node, specified by SourceNodeProperty |
CTimerTrigger | Use the TimerTrigger to execute actions at the time interval that you set with the IntervalProperty |
►CValueAccumulator | ValueAccumulatorBase is the base class for the Value Accumulator implementations for different data types |
CFloatValueAccumulator | Use a FloatValueAccumulator to increase the value of a float property type or a property field over time |
CIntValueAccumulator | Use an IntValueAccumulator to increase the value of an integer property type over time |
►CAnimationPlayerMetadata | Metadata definitions for AnimationPlayer |
CAnimationPlayer | Use the Animation Player to play back an animation timeline that you set using the TimelineProperty property in that Animation Player |
►CClickManipulatorComponentMetadata | Metadata definitions for ClickManipulatorComponent |
CClickManipulatorComponent | ClickManipulatorComponent installs a ClickManipulator to a node |
►CCodeBehindMetadata | Metadata definitions for CodeBehind |
CCodeBehind | Code Behind is a workflow where you associate code with an instance of a node instead of a type |
►CActivityCodeBehindMetadata | Metadata definitions for ActivityCodeBehind |
CActivityCodeBehind | ActivityCodeBehind is code that is associated with a particular Activity node, and has access to the properties of that Activity node |
►CDataTriggerComponentMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataTriggerComponent |
CDataTriggerComponent | Base class for the DataTrigger class |
►CDataTriggerMetadata | Metadata definitions for DataTrigger |
CDataTrigger | Use a DataTrigger to apply an action to either set a property value of a target node or activate an Activity node |
►CKeyManipulatorComponentMetadata | Metadata definitions for KeyManipulatorComponent |
CKeyManipulatorComponent | The KeyManipulatorComponent node component installs a KeyManipulator to the attached node, and configures the key gesture of the manipulator |
►CLongPressManipulatorComponentMetadata | Metadata definitions for LongPressManipulatorComponent |
CLongPressManipulatorComponent | LongPressManipulatorComponent installs a LongPressManipulator to a node |
►CMultiClickManipulatorComponentMetadata | Metadata definitions for MultiClickManipulatorComponent |
CMultiClickManipulatorComponent | MultiClickManipulatorComponent installs a MultiClickManipulator to a node |
►CNavigationManipulatorComponentMetadata | Metadata definitions for NavigationManipulatorComponent |
CNavigationManipulatorComponent | The NavigationManipulatorComponent node component installs a NavigationManipulator to a node, and configures the navigation key gestures of the manipulator |
►CPanManipulatorComponentMetadata | Metadata definitions for PanManipulatorComponent |
CPanManipulatorComponent | PanManipulatorComponent installs a PanManipulator to a node |
►CPropertyDrivenAnimationPlayerMetadata | Metadata definitions for PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayer |
CPropertyDrivenAnimationPlayer | Use Property Driven Animation Player when you want to use a property type to control a keyframe animation |
►CPropertyTargetEasingInterpolatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for PropertyTargetEasingInterpolator |
CPropertyTargetEasingInterpolator | Use a Property Target Easing Interpolator when you want to create a smooth transition between the current value of a property and a value that you set dynamically |
►CPropertyTargetInterpolatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for PropertyTargetInterpolator |
CPropertyTargetInterpolator | Use a Property Target Interpolator when you want to dynamically set the target value of a property and want to interpolate the current value to the target value over time |
►CTriggerMetadata | Metadata definitions for Trigger |
CTrigger | Trigger is the base class for defining events, conditions and actions for content-driven logic programming |
►CMessageTriggerMetadata | Metadata definitions for MessageTrigger |
CMessageTrigger | Message handler trigger |
►COnAttachedTriggerMetadata | Metadata definitions for OnAttachedTrigger |
COnAttachedTrigger | On Attached Trigger |
►COnPropertyChangedTriggerMetadata | Metadata definitions for OnPropertyChangedTrigger |
COnPropertyChangedTrigger | Invokes associated actions on setting of a property type, specified by SourcePropertyTypeProperty, on a source node, specified by SourceNodeProperty |
►CTimerTriggerMetadata | Metadata definitions for TimerTrigger |
CTimerTrigger | Use the TimerTrigger to execute actions at the time interval that you set with the IntervalProperty |
►CValueAccumulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for ValueAccumulator |
CValueAccumulator | ValueAccumulatorBase is the base class for the Value Accumulator implementations for different data types |
►CFloatValueAccumulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for FloatValueAccumulator |
CFloatValueAccumulator | Use a FloatValueAccumulator to increase the value of a float property type or a property field over time |
►CIntValueAccumulatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for IntValueAccumulator |
CIntValueAccumulator | Use an IntValueAccumulator to increase the value of an integer property type over time |
►CNodeEnums | |
►CNodeMetadata | Metadata definitions for Node |
►CNode | Base class for Kanzi nodes |
CNode2D | Node2D is the base class of all 2D nodes |
►CNode3D | Node3D is the base class of all 3D nodes |
CButton3D | Use the Button 3D node to create a 3D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a key |
CCamera | Use a Camera to define the view transform to use to render a 3D Scene |
CContentLayout3D | The measured dimensions of the Content Layout 3D are determined by the combined maximum dimensions of its items |
CDockLayout3D | Use the Dock Layout 3D node to place nodes relative to each other along the sides of a Dock Layout 3D node |
CEmptyNode3D | |
CFlowLayout3D | Flow Layout 3D arranges 3D items along a line and continues to the next line when it runs out of space |
CGridLayout3D | |
CGridListBox3DProxy | Use the Grid List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of 3D items arranged in a grid |
CInstantiator3D | Use the Instantiator node to replicate the appearance of a 3D node, or a tree of 3D nodes, that the Instantiator node targets |
CLevelOfDetail3D | Level of detail selector node is a 3D node that changes the appearance of its child nodes based on the viewing distance |
CLight | Light node is a source of light for a 3D scene |
CModel3D | Node for rendering meshes in 3D space |
CPrefabView3D | Prefab view 3D node |
CScene | Scene is a 3D node that is the root node for other 3D nodes |
CScrollView3D | Use the Scroll View 3D node to create an input plane to enable user input from gestures |
CSlider3D | Use the Slider 3D node as a building block for a 3D UI control that lets the application user change a numerical value using a visual indicator between a minimum and a maximum value |
►CStackLayout3DProxy | Stack Layout 3D arranges its items on a line along the axis you specify in the DirectionProperty |
CStackLayout3D | Stack Layout 3D arranges its items on a line along the axis you specify in the #DirectionProperty |
CTextBlock3D | To render a Text Block 3D node Kanzi: to scale pixels to 3D units |
CTextBox3D | TextBox3D provides the required overrides to handle 3D rendering and gesture handling for the 3D text input |
CToggleButton3D | Use the Toggle Button 3D node to create a 3D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a keyboard key, and that has multiple toggle states |
CToggleButtonGroup3D | Toggle Button Group 3D allows users of your application to select only one option from a set of options that are mutually exclusive |
CTrajectoryLayout3D | Trajectory Layout 3D arranges its items along a trajectory |
CTrajectoryListBox3DProxy | Use the Trajectory List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of items arranged along a Trajectory |
CViewport3D | Use the Viewport 3D node to render 2D nodes in 3D space |
CNode2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Node2D |
►CNode3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Node3D |
CNode3D | Node3D is the base class of all 3D nodes |
CButton3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Button3D |
CCameraMetadata | Metadata definitions for Camera |
CContentLayout3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ContentLayout3D |
CDockLayout3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for DockLayout3D |
►CEmptyNode3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for EmptyNode3D |
CEmptyNode3D | |
CFlowLayout3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for FlowLayout3D |
CGridLayout3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridLayout3D |
CGridListBox3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for GridListBox3D |
►CInstantiator3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Instantiator3D |
CInstantiator3D | Use the Instantiator node to replicate the appearance of a 3D node, or a tree of 3D nodes, that the Instantiator node targets |
CLevelOfDetail3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for LevelOfDetail3D |
►CLightMetadata | Metadata definitions for Light |
CLight | Light node is a source of light for a 3D scene |
►CModel3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Model3D |
CModel3D | Node for rendering meshes in 3D space |
►CPrefabView3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for PrefabView3D |
CPrefabView3D | Prefab view 3D node |
►CSceneMetadata | Metadata definitions for Scene |
CScene | Scene is a 3D node that is the root node for other 3D nodes |
►CScrollView3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ScrollView3D |
CScrollView3D | Use the Scroll View 3D node to create an input plane to enable user input from gestures |
►CSlider3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Slider3D |
CSlider3D | Use the Slider 3D node as a building block for a 3D UI control that lets the application user change a numerical value using a visual indicator between a minimum and a maximum value |
►CStackLayout3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for StackLayout3D |
CStackLayout3DProxy | Stack Layout 3D arranges its items on a line along the axis you specify in the DirectionProperty |
CTextBlock3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBlock3D |
CTextBox3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBox3D |
CToggleButton3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ToggleButton3D |
►CToggleButtonGroup3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ToggleButtonGroup3D |
CToggleButtonGroup3D | Toggle Button Group 3D allows users of your application to select only one option from a set of options that are mutually exclusive |
►CTrajectoryLayout3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TrajectoryLayout3D |
CTrajectoryLayout3D | Trajectory Layout 3D arranges its items along a trajectory |
CTrajectoryListBox3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TrajectoryListBox3D |
►CViewport3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Viewport3D |
CViewport3D | Use the Viewport 3D node to render 2D nodes in 3D space |
►COutlineEffect2DEnums | |
►COutlineEffect2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for OutlineEffect2D |
COutlineEffect2D | Use OutlineEffect2D to apply an outline to the content of 2D nodes |
►CPageTransitionCollectionEnums | |
►CPageTransitionCollectionMetadata | Metadata definitions for PageTransitionCollection |
CPageTransitionCollection | Transition collection is used to define transitions within a Page Host |
►CParallelActivityHostConceptEnums | |
►CParallelActivityHostConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for ParallelActivityHostConcept |
CParallelActivityHost2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ParallelActivityHost2D |
CParallelActivityHost3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ParallelActivityHost3D |
►CPipelineStateRenderPassEnums | |
►CPipelineStateRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for PipelineStateRenderPass |
CPipelineStateRenderPass | Use the Pipeline State Render Pass to set for its child render passes the depth and stencil testing, transparency, and culling |
CPlatform | Holds information about the current platform |
CPlatform.Platforms | |
CPlugin | Represents the abstract base class for all plugins |
CDomain.PluginHandler | Plugin handler implements the functionality for loading a plugin from the associated plugin file |
►CPrefabViewConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for PrefabViewConcept |
CPrefabView2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for PrefabView2D |
CPrefabView3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for PrefabView3D |
►CPropertyTargetEasingInterpolatorEnums | |
CPropertyTargetEasingInterpolatorMetadata | Metadata definitions for PropertyTargetEasingInterpolator |
CPropertyTargetEasingTimelineEnums | |
►CPropertyType< Object > | |
CAbstractPropertyType | AbstractPropertyType is a homogeneous property type handle to an existing property type |
CResourceManager.ProtocolHandler | ProtocolHandler allows implementing custom resource loading for a specific protocol |
►CQuaternion | Quaternions represent rotation around an axis, defined by quaternion components x, y, z and w |
CQuaternionLongerPath | Quaternion for interpolating rotation along longer path |
►CRangeConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for RangeConcept |
CSlider2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Slider2D |
CSlider3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Slider3D |
CResourceManager.ReloadProtocolHandler | ReloadProtocolHandler allows implementing custom resource reloading for a specific protocol |
CResourceManager | The resource manager maintains kzb files and provides mechanisms to load resources from kzb files |
►CResourceMetadata | Metadata definitions for Resource |
►CResource | Represents the base class for all resources |
CAnimationResource | A Resource wrapper class for animations |
CBinaryResource | |
►CBrush | Use a brush to fill a Node2D |
CColorBrush | Color brush class |
►CContentBrush | Texture brush class |
CCompositionBrush | Texture brush class |
CMaterialBrush | Freeform shader brush |
CNullBrush | Null brush class |
CTextureBrush | Texture brush class |
CDataContext | DataContext acts as a container for data |
►CFont | FontFile is the base class for different font file resource implementations |
CBitmapFont | Font implementation for bitmap fonts |
CFontFamily | A font family resource contains font files |
►CGPUResource | GPUResource is a resource that must be deployed to the GPU |
CFramebuffer | Framebuffer attachment state |
CMesh | Mesh stores the geometry data for rendering Model3D nodes |
►CRenderPass | RenderPass is the base class for Kanzi render passes |
CBlitRenderPass | Use the Blit Render Pass to blit one or more textures to the screen of the current rendering context using a material |
CClearRenderPass | Use a Clear Render Pass to clear the color, depth, and stencil buffers of the current render context before passing the control to the descendants of this render pass |
CCompositionTargetRenderPass | Use the Composition Target Render Pass to set one to four composition targets and render all descendant render passes to the composition targets that the Composition Target Render Pass created |
CCubeMapRenderPass | Use the Cubemap Render Pass to create a cubemap texture that represents the scene from some location |
►CDrawObjectsRenderPass | Use the Draw Objects Render Pass to render only nodes in a Scene node provided by an object source you set in this render pass |
CDrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPass | Use the Draw Objects With Material Render Pass to render nodes provided by an object source using a material |
►CGatherLightsRenderPass | GatherLightsRenderPass is a class for generating light properties for rendering nodes |
CGatherNearestLightsRenderPass | GatherNearestLightsRenderPass is an implementation of light gathering |
CLegacyRenderPass | Legacy Render Pass is phased out in favor of specialized render passes that perform individual operations, which are combined in a Legacy Render Pass into a single render pass |
CMaterialSetupRenderPass | Use the Material Setup Render Pass to set properties to a material for further render operations using that material |
CNodeListRenderPass | Use the Node List Render Pass to filter and hold a list of nodes that you want to render using other render passes |
CPipelineStateRenderPass | Use the Pipeline State Render Pass to set for its child render passes the depth and stencil testing, transparency, and culling |
CRenderPassView | Use the Render Pass View to instantiate a RenderPassPrefab |
CShaderProgram | ShaderProgram defines programmable vertex and fragment operations done by the GPU for a draw call |
►CSurface | Surfaces provide images for Framebuffers where to render to |
CRenderbuffer | Renderbuffers provide the images that can be rendered to by attaching them to the framebuffer as color or depth stencil images |
CMaterial | A material is an instance of a material type (ShaderProgram) that contains the property values for the material type properties |
CMorph | |
►CNodeEffect2D | Use node effects to apply post-processing effects to 2D nodes |
CBlurEffect2D | Use BlurEffect2D to apply a Gaussian blur post-processing effect to 2D nodes |
CEffectStack2D | Use EffectStack2D to apply multiple post-processing effects to 2D nodes |
CMaskEffect2D | Use MaskEffect2D to apply a mask to 2D nodes |
COutlineEffect2D | Use OutlineEffect2D to apply an outline to the content of 2D nodes |
CShadowEffect2D | Use ShadowEffect2D to apply drop- and inner-shadow post-processing effects to 2D nodes |
CNodeEffectPrefab2D | Use node effect prefabs to create node effects that define post-processing effects for 2D nodes |
CObjectSource | Structure for object source |
CPageTransitionCollection | Transition collection is used to define transitions within a Page Host |
CPrefabTemplateNode | A prefab template node contains information that is required to create node instances: the metaclass of the node, the (initial) property values of the node, information about the bindings and node components of the node, and the list of of child nodes |
►CPrefabTemplateProxy | A prefab template contains information that is required to create a tree of Node instances |
CPrefabTemplate | This class represents a prefab (prefabricated template) resource that is a description of a scene graph that can be instantiated at runtime |
CRenderPassPrefab | Use render pass prefabs to create render pass trees that define how Kanzi renders 3D content in your project |
►CResourceDictionaryProxy | A resource dictionary is a container that maps resource IDs to resources |
►CResourceDictionary | A resource dictionary is a container that maps resource IDs to resources |
CResourceDictionarySelector | A resource dictionary selector is a type of a resource dictionary that redirects resource queries to its only nested dictionary |
CStateManager | State manager for managing states of nodes or application |
CStyle | Style applying properties, node components and bindings to nodes |
►CTextResourceProxy | Text resource |
CTextResource | |
CTexture | A Texture provides an image that you can use in Image nodes, Texture Brushes, materials for use in 3D rendering, or Material Brushes |
CTimelineResource | A Resource wrapper class for animation timelines |
CTrajectory | Trajectory defines a series of points following a geometrical path |
►CAnimationResourceMetadata | Metadata definitions for AnimationResource |
CAnimationResource | A Resource wrapper class for animations |
►CBinaryResourceMetadata | Metadata definitions for BinaryResource |
CBinaryResource | |
►CBrushMetadata | Metadata definitions for Brush |
CBrush | Use a brush to fill a Node2D |
►CColorBrushMetadata | Metadata definitions for ColorBrush |
CColorBrush | Color brush class |
►CContentBrushMetadata | Metadata definitions for ContentBrush |
CContentBrush | Texture brush class |
►CCompositionBrushMetadata | Metadata definitions for CompositionBrush |
CCompositionBrush | Texture brush class |
►CMaterialBrushMetadata | Metadata definitions for MaterialBrush |
CMaterialBrush | Freeform shader brush |
►CNullBrushMetadata | Metadata definitions for NullBrush |
CNullBrush | Null brush class |
►CTextureBrushMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextureBrush |
CTextureBrush | Texture brush class |
►CFontFamilyMetadata | Metadata definitions for FontFamily |
CFontFamily | A font family resource contains font files |
►CFontMetadata | Metadata definitions for Font |
CFont | FontFile is the base class for different font file resource implementations |
►CBitmapFontMetadata | Metadata definitions for BitmapFont |
CBitmapFont | Font implementation for bitmap fonts |
►CGPUResourceMetadata | Metadata definitions for GPUResource |
CGPUResource | GPUResource is a resource that must be deployed to the GPU |
►CFramebufferMetadata | Metadata definitions for Framebuffer |
CFramebuffer | Framebuffer attachment state |
►CMeshMetadata | Metadata definitions for Mesh |
CMesh | Mesh stores the geometry data for rendering Model3D nodes |
►CShaderProgramMetadata | Metadata definitions for ShaderProgram |
CShaderProgram | ShaderProgram defines programmable vertex and fragment operations done by the GPU for a draw call |
►CSurfaceMetadata | Metadata definitions for Surface |
CSurface | Surfaces provide images for Framebuffers where to render to |
►CRenderbufferMetadata | Metadata definitions for Renderbuffer |
CRenderbuffer | Renderbuffers provide the images that can be rendered to by attaching them to the framebuffer as color or depth stencil images |
►CTextureMetadata | Metadata definitions for Texture |
CTexture | A Texture provides an image that you can use in Image nodes, Texture Brushes, materials for use in 3D rendering, or Material Brushes |
►CMaterialMetadata | Metadata definitions for Material |
CMaterial | A material is an instance of a material type (ShaderProgram) that contains the property values for the material type properties |
►CMorphMetadata | Metadata definitions for Morph |
CMorph | |
►CNodeEffect2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for NodeEffect2D |
CNodeEffect2D | Use node effects to apply post-processing effects to 2D nodes |
CBlurEffect2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for BlurEffect2D |
CEffectStack2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for EffectStack2D |
CMaskEffect2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for MaskEffect2D |
COutlineEffect2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for OutlineEffect2D |
►CShadowEffect2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ShadowEffect2D |
CShadowEffect2D | Use ShadowEffect2D to apply drop- and inner-shadow post-processing effects to 2D nodes |
►CNodeEffectPrefab2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for NodeEffectPrefab2D |
CNodeEffectPrefab2D | Use node effect prefabs to create node effects that define post-processing effects for 2D nodes |
►CObjectSourceMetadata | Metadata definitions for ObjectSource |
CObjectSource | Structure for object source |
CPageTransitionCollectionMetadata | Metadata definitions for PageTransitionCollection |
►CPrefabTemplateMetadata | Metadata definitions for PrefabTemplate |
CPrefabTemplateProxy | A prefab template contains information that is required to create a tree of Node instances |
►CRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for RenderPass |
CRenderPass | RenderPass is the base class for Kanzi render passes |
►CBlitRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for BlitRenderPass |
CBlitRenderPass | Use the Blit Render Pass to blit one or more textures to the screen of the current rendering context using a material |
►CClearRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for ClearRenderPass |
CClearRenderPass | Use a Clear Render Pass to clear the color, depth, and stencil buffers of the current render context before passing the control to the descendants of this render pass |
CCompositionTargetRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for CompositionTargetRenderPass |
CCubeMapRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for CubeMapRenderPass |
►CDrawObjectsRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for DrawObjectsRenderPass |
CDrawObjectsRenderPass | Use the Draw Objects Render Pass to render only nodes in a Scene node provided by an object source you set in this render pass |
►CDrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for DrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPass |
CDrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPass | Use the Draw Objects With Material Render Pass to render nodes provided by an object source using a material |
►CGatherLightsRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for GatherLightsRenderPass |
CGatherLightsRenderPass | GatherLightsRenderPass is a class for generating light properties for rendering nodes |
►CGatherNearestLightsRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for GatherNearestLightsRenderPass |
CGatherNearestLightsRenderPass | GatherNearestLightsRenderPass is an implementation of light gathering |
CLegacyRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for LegacyRenderPass |
►CMaterialSetupRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for MaterialSetupRenderPass |
CMaterialSetupRenderPass | Use the Material Setup Render Pass to set properties to a material for further render operations using that material |
►CNodeListRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for NodeListRenderPass |
CNodeListRenderPass | Use the Node List Render Pass to filter and hold a list of nodes that you want to render using other render passes |
CPipelineStateRenderPassMetadata | Metadata definitions for PipelineStateRenderPass |
►CRenderPassViewMetadata | Metadata definitions for RenderPassView |
CRenderPassView | Use the Render Pass View to instantiate a RenderPassPrefab |
►CRenderPassPrefabMetadata | Metadata definitions for RenderPassPrefab |
CRenderPassPrefab | Use render pass prefabs to create render pass trees that define how Kanzi renders 3D content in your project |
►CResourceDictionaryMetadata | Metadata definitions for ResourceDictionary |
CResourceDictionaryProxy | A resource dictionary is a container that maps resource IDs to resources |
►CResourceDictionarySelectorMetadata | Metadata definitions for ResourceDictionarySelector |
CResourceDictionarySelector | A resource dictionary selector is a type of a resource dictionary that redirects resource queries to its only nested dictionary |
►CStyleMetadata | Metadata definitions for Style |
CStyle | Style applying properties, node components and bindings to nodes |
►CTextResourceMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextResource |
CTextResourceProxy | Text resource |
►CTimelineResourceMetadata | Metadata definitions for TimelineResource |
CTimelineResource | A Resource wrapper class for animation timelines |
►CTrajectoryMetadata | Metadata definitions for Trajectory |
CTrajectory | Trajectory defines a series of points following a geometrical path |
CResourceManager.ResourceUsage | |
►CRuntimeException | |
CInvalidKzbFileException | Exception class to indicate a KZB File is invalid |
CStaleObjectException | Exception class to indicate attempts to use a KanziObject which no longer refers to a valid native object |
►CScreenEnums | |
CScreenMetadata | Metadata definitions for Screen |
►CScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollPositionMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for ScrollPositionMessageArguments |
►CScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for ScrollMessageArguments |
CScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollFinishedMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for ScrollFinishedMessageArguments |
CScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollStartedMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for ScrollStartedMessageArguments |
CScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrolledMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for ScrolledMessageArguments |
CScrollViewConceptMetadata.UserScrollFinishedMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for UserScrollFinishedMessageArguments |
CScrollViewConceptMetadata.UserScrollStartedMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for UserScrollStartedMessageArguments |
CScrollViewConceptMetadata.SetScrollMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for SetScrollMessageArguments |
►CScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollTargetMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for ScrollTargetMessageArguments |
CScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for ScrollMessageArguments |
CScrollViewConceptMetadata.SetScrollTargetMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for SetScrollTargetMessageArguments |
►CScrollViewConceptEnums | |
►CScrollViewConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for ScrollViewConcept |
CScrollView2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ScrollView2D |
CScrollView3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ScrollView3D |
►CShadowEffect2DEnums | |
CShadowEffect2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ShadowEffect2D |
►CSliderConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for SliderConcept |
CSlider2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Slider2D |
CSlider3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for Slider3D |
►CScrollViewConceptMetadata.SnapMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for SnapMessageArguments |
CScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for ScrollMessageArguments |
CScrollViewConceptMetadata.SnapRequestMessageArguments | Metadata definitions for SnapRequestMessageArguments |
CSRTValue2D | A structure that describes the scale, rotation and translation transformation in 2D space |
CSRTValue3D | A structure that describes the scale, rotation and translation transformation in 3D space |
►CStackLayoutConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for StackLayoutConcept |
CStackLayout2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for StackLayout2D |
CStackLayout3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for StackLayout3D |
►CStandardMaterialMetadata | Metadata definitions for StandardMaterial |
CStandardMaterial | Contains property types of Standard material |
►CStandardPbrMaterialMetadata | Metadata definitions for StandardPbrMaterial |
CStandardPbrMaterial | Contains property types for the Kanzi Physically Based Rendering (PBR) shaders |
►CStateManagerMetadata | Metadata definitions for StateManager |
CStateManager | State manager for managing states of nodes or application |
CActivityCodeBehind.StatusChangeHandler | StatusChangeHandler implements a handler for Activity status change |
CAssert.StringFactory | Interface for a callback which returns the message string to be attached to an assertion error |
CMainLoopScheduler.Task | A task that can be added for one-time or repeated execution by MainLoopScheduler |
CTaskDispatcher.Task | A task that can be added for execution by Task Dispatcher |
CTaskDispatcher | Task dispatcher |
CTestRuntime | Access to a testing environment including a Kanzi Domain |
►CTextBlockConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBlockConcept |
CTextBlock2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBlock2D |
CTextBlock3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBlock3D |
►CTextBoxConceptEnums | |
►CTextBoxConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBoxConcept |
CTextBox2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBox2D |
CTextBox3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBox3D |
CTextBoxMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBox |
►CTextConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextConcept |
CTextBlock2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBlock2D |
CTextBlock3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBlock3D |
CTextBox2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBox2D |
CTextBox3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextBox3D |
CTextFormatEnums | |
CTextInputConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for TextInputConcept |
CTextureBuilder | TextureBuilder is a class used for setting up properties to initialize textures |
►CTextureEnums | |
CTextureMetadata | Metadata definitions for Texture |
►CTimelineMetadata | Metadata definitions for Timeline |
►CTimeline | The Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: animations define how the values of specific type change in time, and timelines map the animations to properties of objects you want to animate |
CMorphWeightTimeline | Timeline for animating morph weights |
CParallelTimeline | Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: |
CPropertyAnimationTimeline | The Kanzi animation system consists of animations, which define how to animate properties, and timelines, which map animations to time and to the objects that you want to animate |
CPropertyFieldAnimationTimeline | Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: |
►CMorphWeightTimelineMetadata | Metadata definitions for MorphWeightTimeline |
CMorphWeightTimeline | Timeline for animating morph weights |
►CParallelTimelineMetadata | Metadata definitions for ParallelTimeline |
CParallelTimeline | Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: |
►CPropertyAnimationTimelineMetadata | Metadata definitions for PropertyAnimationTimeline |
CPropertyAnimationTimeline | The Kanzi animation system consists of animations, which define how to animate properties, and timelines, which map animations to time and to the objects that you want to animate |
►CPropertyFieldAnimationTimelineMetadata | Metadata definitions for PropertyFieldAnimationTimeline |
CPropertyFieldAnimationTimeline | Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: |
CMainLoopScheduler.TimerTask | A task that can be scheduled for one-time or repeated execution by MainLoopScheduler |
►CToggleButtonGroupConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for ToggleButtonGroupConcept |
CToggleButtonGroup2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ToggleButtonGroup2D |
CToggleButtonGroup3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ToggleButtonGroup3D |
►CTrajectoryEnums | |
CTrajectoryMetadata | Metadata definitions for Trajectory |
►CTrajectoryLayoutConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for TrajectoryLayoutConcept |
CTrajectoryLayout2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TrajectoryLayout2D |
CTrajectoryLayout3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for TrajectoryLayout3D |
CPageTransitionCollectionEnums.Transition | |
CResourceDictionary.UrlMapPair | Represents a record in resource ID to URL map as a key-URL pair |
CValueAccumulatorBaseEnums | |
►CValueControlledExclusiveActivityHostConceptMetadata | Metadata definitions for ValueControlledExclusiveActivityHostConcept |
CExclusiveActivityHost2DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ExclusiveActivityHost2D |
CExclusiveActivityHost3DMetadata | Metadata definitions for ExclusiveActivityHost3D |
CVector2 | Vector with 2 floating point components: (x, y) |
CVector3 | Vector with 3 floating point components: (x, y, z) |
CVector4 | Vector with 4 floating point components: (x, y, z, w) |