Kanzi 3.1 migration guide

Kanzi 3.1 migration guide contains information and provides instructions for porting existing Kanzi applications from the previous Kanzi release:

Kanzi Studio changes

Texture filtering

When you migrate Kanzi Studio 3.0 projects to Kanzi Studio 3.1, Kanzi Studio automatically converts the values of the Filter property in all texture resources to the corresponding values using the new properties:

  • Point sample:

    • Minification Filter to Nearest

    • Magnification Filter to Nearest

    • Mipmap Mode to Base

  • Bilinear:

    • Minification Filter to Linear

    • Magnification Filter to Linear

    • Mipmap Mode to Base

  • Trilinear:

    • Minification Filter to Linear

    • Magnification Filter to Linear

    • Mipmap Mode to Linear

  • Mipmap:

    • Minification Filter to Nearest

    • Magnification Filter to Nearest

    • Mipmap Mode to Nearest

Kanzi Engine changes

  • Removed the CPU morphing. Create morphing with shaders.

  • All OpenGL Kanzi build configurations in Visual Studio are renamed and do not anymore contain the OpenGL version number. For example, build configuration GL_21_vs2010_Debug_DLL is now GL_vs2010_Debug_DLL.

See also

Kanzi 3.1 release notes

Known issues