Kanzi 3.6.13 release notes

Feature improvements

  • You can now use the Kanzi Studio plugin API to set the Start Time for state transitions.

  • When you use a custom property type with the same name in more than one kzb file, Kanzi now checks that the definitions of these property types are consistent.

  • Kanzi now supports the frame done callback on Wayland.


  • On QNX screen usage is now set based on the GLES API version from renderable type bits of the EGL configuration, instead of being hardcoded to SCREEN_USAGE_OPENGL_ES2.

  • Added the linux_imx8_wayland_aarch64_gcc92 scons configuration.

  • Updated the Android platform package to use Android Studio 4.1.0 and Gradle 6.5. See Migrating Kanzi applications to use Android Studio 4.1.0 and Gradle 6.5.







Fixed the issue that caused overriding of android.defaultConfig.ndk.abiFilters in build.gradle and the addition of native Kanzi libraries for unrelated architectures to APK. As a result the APKs are now smaller.

Kanzi Build Environment


Kanzi now takes into account text direction when placing the overflow characters.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue where expired one-shot timers (KZU_TIMER_MESSAGE_MODE_ONCE) prevented an application from entering the idle state, until you explicitly removed them.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that caused a Trajectory List Box 3D to scroll when you add or remove an item.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that caused a Slider 3D node to lose track of ongoing pan when the pointer moved outside of the node area.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that caused a resource leak warning from a Kanzi application in Android with StrictMode enabled.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issues that caused an Animation Player to terminate an application.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that in some cases caused Kanzi to terminate if an application used a Viewport 2D node in a Grid List Box 2D node.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that caused the EGLNativeWindowType 0xea63f008 disconnect failed error when a Kanzi application on Android quits.

Kanzi Engine


The Node tool in Kanzi Studio Preview now correctly snaps nodes in Grid Layout nodes.

Kanzi Studio


Fixed the issue that caused Kanzi Studio to issue a warning when you set in a Scene node the Blend Mode property to Alpha: Premultiplied.

Kanzi Studio


Kanzi Studio Preview now remembers the zoom level after the Preview restart.

Kanzi Studio


Fixed the issue in Kanzi Studio that prevented Kanzi Engine plugins from extending metaclasses.

Kanzi Studio


Fixed the issue that prevented the Preview from starting after you rename a Kanzi Engine plugin dll that is in use in that Kanzi Studio project.

Kanzi Studio


Fixed the issue that prevented the Navigate to Next and Navigate to Previous actions from storing the value for the Define Target with Property option.

Kanzi Studio

See also

Kanzi 3.6.13 migration guide

Known issues