Kanzi 3.6.8 release notes

Feature improvements

  • Improvements to resource loading:

    • There are now LoadAndFinish and FinishOnly load tasks. FinishOnly load tasks skip loader threads and Kanzi queues them directly to the main thread FinishingQueue.

    • A load task can now trigger background loading of dependencies. This improves the use of the loader threads, improves the loading time, and makes the background loading smoother.

    • Added these resource types to use load tasks and load task dependencies:

      • Brush

      • Material

      • Mesh

      • Render Pass Prefab

      • State Manager

  • Improved collection of prefab dependencies. For the State Managers and resource IDs that are used in a prefab, Prefab View asynchronous prefab changes can now load resource dependencies in the background.

  • Improved path property updating, which can make attaching some nodes with bindings faster.

  • Improvements to the Performance HUD:

    • You can now configure the position of the Performance HUD. See PerformanceInfoPosition.

    • In the Performance HUD you can now see the number of timer subscriptions, recurring tasks, and animations. See PerformanceInfoLevel.

  • Improved the way resource dictionaries are stored in kzb files. This enables faster loading times of kzb files that have large, unused resource dictionaries, such as localization tables.

  • Introduced speed optimization for setProperty, addPropertyModifier, removePropertyModifier, copyLocalValue.


  • Updated the ICU library:

    • For QNX 6.5 and 6.6 to version 58.2

    • For QNX 7 to version 62.1

    • For android-aarch64 and android-x86_64 to version 62.1

  • Updated PVRTexTool to the version 4.20.0.

  • With Kanzi 3.6.8 the V8 JavaScript engine is available only on Windows and legacy Android platform that relies on Ant and Scons. See Platform requirements.

  • The versions of kzb file format now include the major and minor revision. In Kanzi 3.6.8 the version of kzb file format changed from 3 to 3.1.







Kanzi applications on Android now preserve EGL context after backgrounding.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that prevented logging from working on Android.

Kanzi Engine


The Pipeline State Render Pass now rounds the size of Viewport nodes and scissors to a full pixel.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that caused some non-printable characters to be rendered. Before this fix:

  • FreeType font engine backend rendered non-printable characters as zero-width renderable glyphs that did not affect the rendering.

  • iType font engine backend rendered non-printable characters using not-found glyphs.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that prevented rendering of some emojis when using the iType font engine backend.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that misplaced diacritics when using the iType font engine backend.

Kanzi Engine


Removed extra resource dictionary from the Screen in runtime assets.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that prevented the showing of all startup performance profilers.

Kanzi Engine


Fixes to skinned mesh importing and calculation of the bone matrices. See Changes to skinned meshes.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that added to Pipeline State Render Pass a depth buffer requirement even when depth is not needed.

Kanzi Engine


State manager now sends Transition Started and Transition Finished messages when you do not use an animation to transition between states.

Kanzi Engine


When State Manager dispatches Left State and Entered State messages during state transition, it now sets the StateGroup argument on these messages.

Kanzi Engine


Fixed the issue that prevented the release of a texture resource of an invisible Model3D after replacing with a nullptr.

Kanzi Engine


Kanzi 3.6.6 introduced to Kanzi Studio a mechanism that prevented the use of incompatible property values in properties. Because of unintended consequences, this mechanism is now removed.

Kanzi Studio


Fixed several issues that prevented the merge tool in Kanzi Studio to correctly merge content.

Kanzi Studio

10318, 10299

Several usability improvements in Kanzi Studio.

Kanzi Studio


For Kanzi Engine plugins you can now hide all custom types.

Kanzi Studio

See also

Kanzi 3.6.8 migration guide

Known issues