Kanzi 3.6.3 migration guide

Use this migration guide to update Kanzi applications from Kanzi 3.6.2 to Kanzi 3.6.3.


If your Kanzi application uses functions from the KzcImage class, change the class to the new BitmapImage class and use functions from the new class.

Behavior of List Box nodes that use custom data sources

A List Box no longer detaches and reattaches item generator when the List Box DataContext::DataContextProperty or DataContext::ItemsSourceProperty properties change. If in your application you use a custom data source item generator and you want your application to react to the changes of these properties, you must add to your custom data source item generator listeners to changes of these properties. The default data source list item generator does this automatically.

This change is a side effect of the fix of the issue which caused List Box nodes to change the position of items when a custom data source updated the items in a List Box.

API renames

Renamed Engine/include/kanzi/core/cpp/types.hpp to Engine/include/kanzi/core/cpp/cstdint.hpp.

Performance profiling

In Kanzi 3.6.3 the functionality and API for performance profiling changed. If you used performance profiling functionality with the previous versions of Kanzi and want to continue using performance profiling functionality, submit a support request using the Kanzi Support Portal at support.rightware.com.

See also

Kanzi 3.6.3 release notes

Known issues