Step 6 - Send messages

In this step, you learn how to send messages from a Lua script.

You first create a function that checks whether the puzzle is solved and then add the functionality to show a message when the puzzle is solved.

Detect a solved puzzle

To detect a solved puzzle:

  1. Define a function that checks whether the puzzle is solved before you define the movePieceMessageHandler.

    -- Declare a function that checks for the victory condition.
    local function checkForVictory()
        -- Count the number of pieces in a wrong position.
        local misplacedCount = 0
        for i = 0,PieceCount-1 do
            local piece = grid:getChild(i)
            local row = piece:getProperty(GridLayout2D.RowProperty)
            local column = piece:getProperty(GridLayout2D.ColumnProperty)
            local expectedRow = i // ColumnCount
            local expectedColumn = i % ColumnCount
            if row ~= expectedRow or column ~= expectedColumn then
                misplacedCount = misplacedCount + 1
        if misplacedCount == 0 then
  2. Call the function at the end of the movePieceMessageHandler message handler.

    local function movePieceMessageHandler(args)

Now when you solve the puzzle, the script prints Victory! to the Log. Send a message ————–

To send a message:

  1. Use the VictoryMessage message type that is defined in the Kanzi Studio project.

    In the script, initialize the variable next to other variables.

    ../../_images/library-victorymessage.png ../../_images/node-components-grid-victory-message.png
    -- Find the "fifteen_puzzle.VictoryMessage" custom message type.
    local VictoryMessage = MessageType:new("fifteen_puzzle.VictoryMessage")
  2. Modify the checkForVictory function so that after it prints a message to the Log, the function sends the VictoryMessage to the Grid node.

    The Grid node uses a VictoryMessage trigger to set the Victory Overlay State Manager to the Visible state that shows the victory message.

    Create the message arguments with VictoryMessage:newMessageArguments() and send the message to a node with the dispatchMessage member function.

    local function checkForVictory()
        if misplacedCount == 0 then
            -- Send a VictoryMessage to the grid node.
            local args = VictoryMessage:newMessageArguments()
            grid:dispatchMessage(VictoryMessage, args)

Now the Lua script contains the complete game logic that:

  • Fills the grid with pieces in random order.

  • Reacts to input messages by moving the pieces according to the puzzle logic.

  • Detects when the puzzle is solved and reacts by sending a message that displays the victory message in the application.


What’s next?

In this tutorial, you learned the basics of programming application logic in Kanzi with Lua.

To learn more about: