Kanzi 3.9.8 migration guide

Use this migration guide to update Kanzi applications from Kanzi 3.9.7 to Kanzi 3.9.8.

Changes to the InputManipulator::Collection API

In the input_manipulator.hpp, fixed a typo in a member function.

If your Kanzi application uses the InputManipulator::Collection::cancelAllKeyInputManipators function, rename it to InputManipulator::Collection::cancelAllKeyInputManipulators.

Changes to the InputMethodListener API

In the input_manipulator.hpp, fixed a typo in a member function.

If your Kanzi application uses the InputMethodListener::onCompositionTextCommitedOverride function, rename it to InputMethodListener::onCompositionTextCommittedOverride.

Changes to the TextBoxConceptImpl API

In the text_box_concept_impl.hpp, fixed a typo in a member function.

If your Kanzi application uses the TextBoxConceptImpl::deteleCharactersAtCursor function, rename it to TextBoxConceptImpl::deleteCharactersAtCursor.

Changes to the PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayer API

In the property_driven_animation_player.hpp, fixed a typo in a member function.

If your Kanzi application uses the PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayer::timeControllerPropertyNoticationHandler function, rename it to PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayer::timeControllerPropertyNotificationHandler.

Changes to the ActivityHostConcept API

In the activity_host_concept.hpp, changed the signature of the virtual member function ActivityHostConcept::onActivateActivityOverride. If your Kanzi application redefines this function, add to it the parameter of type bool that sets whether to reset Activity property values of the Activity to activate.

Changes to the default surface properties

In the application configuration, changed the default values of these surface properties:

  • Color channel sizes

  • Depth buffer size

  • Number of anti-aliasing samples

This table shows the changed default values:


Kanzi 3.9.7 default value

Kanzi 3.9.8 default value


16 bits

24 bits


platform decides

8 bits


platform decides

8 bits


platform decides

8 bits


platform decides

8 bits


  • Windows: 4 samples

  • Other platforms: 0 samples

  • Windows: 4 samples

  • Other platforms: platform decides

These changes can have a small visual quality impact on Kanzi applications that rely on the default values. When you migrate your Kanzi application to 3.9.8, to match the default color channel sizes in earlier versions of Kanzi, use "unspecified".

See Surface properties.

Changes to the Android application templates

Kanzi 3.9.8 started supporting JDK 17 and no longer supports JDK 8. To use JDK 17, migrate your Kanzi application to use Gradle 7.6.2 and Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.2.

If you use JDK 11, you do not need to migrate your application.

To migrate your Kanzi application:

  1. In <ProjectName>/Application/configs/platforms/android_gradle/build.gradle, replace:

    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:<android-gradle-plugin-version>'
        classpath 'com.rightware.gradle:kanzi:<kanzi-gradle-plugin-version>'


    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.4.2'
        classpath 'com.rightware.gradle:kanzi:0.8.1'
  2. In <ProjectName>/Application/configs/platforms/android_gradle/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties, replace:



  3. In <ProjectName>/Application/configs/platforms/android_gradle/app/build.gradle:

    • Replace:

      android {
          compileSdkVersion 28
          defaultConfig {
              minSdkVersion 26
              targetSdkVersion  28
              // ...


      android {
          // Add a namespace for your Kanzi application.
          // In most cases, the namespace is the same as "applicationId".
          namespace '<project-namespace>'
          compileSdk 32
          defaultConfig {
              minSdk 26
              targetSdk 28
              // ...
    • Remove:

      kanzi {
          appFramework "kanziruntime-droidfw"
    • Add a new item to the dependencies section:

      dependencies {
          implementation 'com.rightware.kanzi:kanziruntime-droidfw@aar'
          // ...
    • Set the Android SDK version:

      • If you do not plan to publish your Kanzi application on Google Play, in the android section, disable the checking of the target SDK version:

        android {
            lintOptions {
                disable 'ExpiredTargetSdkVersion'
      • If you plan to publish your Kanzi application on Google Play, set the targetSdk option to the value that Google Play requires. See https://developer.android.com/google/play/requirements/target-sdk.

        For example:

        android {
            defaultConfig {
                targetSdk 33
  4. In <ProjectName>/Application/configs/platforms/android_gradle/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, change:

    <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


    <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
  5. If your application uses Code Behind, in <ProjectName>/Application/CMakeLists.txt, in the add_subdirectory calls for Code Behind, replace spaces with underscores.

    For example, replace:

    set(XML_data_source_codebehind_lib_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../Tool_project/CodeBehind/XML data source")
    if(EXISTS "${XML_data_source_codebehind_lib_dir}")
        add_subdirectory("${XML_data_source_codebehind_lib_dir}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CodeBehind/XML data source")
        target_link_libraries(XML_data_source_executable XML_data_source_CodeBehind)


    set(XML_data_source_codebehind_lib_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../Tool_project/CodeBehind/XML data source")
    if(EXISTS "${XML_data_source_codebehind_lib_dir}")
        add_subdirectory("${XML_data_source_codebehind_lib_dir}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CodeBehind/XML_data_source")
        target_link_libraries(XML_data_source_executable XML_data_source_CodeBehind)
  6. In Kanzi Studio, open the Kanzi Studio project of your application. Select File > Open Kanzi Command Prompt and on the command line run:

    cd ..\Application\configs\platforms\android_gradle\
    gradlew wrapper

    This way you upgrade Gradle in your application.

  7. (Optional) If you want to open the Kanzi application in Android Studio, update Android Studio to Electric Eel or a newer version.

    If you build the Kanzi Android application from Kanzi Studio, this step is not required.

Changes to the EGL API

Moved function getEGLConfig from qnx_egl_common.hpp to egl_common.hpp. If your Kanzi application uses the function, include the egl_common.hpp header.

Changes to the Material API

Removed the Material::ChangeCounterProperty property type. RenderEntry3D listens for changes in material properties.

Changes to the Wayland graphics output API

Changed the default Wayland shell from IVI to XDG and removed the fallback option.

You can now set which Wayland shell Kanzi uses. See Wayland shell.

Changes to the main loop scheduler

In the main loop scheduler, removed all externally ticked overloads, that is, functions that take elapsed duration as their argument.

To attach the main loop scheduler to your custom source of time, you can now use MainLoopScheduler::setClockCallback, and use the respective overload that takes no arguments:

Kanzi 3.9.7

Kanzi 3.9.8

(chrono::nanoseconds lastFrameDuration)

MainLoopScheduler::advanceFrame, MainLoopScheduler::setClockCallback

(chrono::nanoseconds elapsedDuration)

MainLoopScheduler::getDurationUntilNextTimer, MainLoopScheduler::setClockCallback

(chrono::nanoseconds lastFrameDuration)

MainLoopScheduler::run, MainLoopScheduler::setClockCallback

See also

Kanzi 3.9.8 release notes

Known issues